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爱情是这样的: Planning a Wedding With a Concussion Brought Out Our Community

love looks like this

礼貌Mikhal Weiner/ Cristina Cianci

Brides is committed to guiding ALL couples through not only their wedding planning journey, but through relationship milestones and ups and downs. Every love story is beautiful, has its own distinct history, and its own trials—there's no relationship that looks the same. To celebrate that uniqueness, we're asking couples to open up about their love story, for our latest column, "Love Looks Like This." Below, Mikhal Weiner tells her story.

Technically speaking, we had been married for less than a month when I crashed my bike, flying headfirst into the sidewalk outside a T station in Boston. I was on my way to meet Ella at the gym, where we were trying to get in shape for what we’d consider our‘real’ wedding。But there would be no workout that day. Instead, we headed to the emergency room for a CT and a conversation with a neurologist who confirmed what we’d suspected: I had a serious concussion. That explained the nausea, as well as the feeling that the world was suddenly very loud and very bright.地板是波浪形;我无法得到它仍然停留在我的脚下。

That was the November of our last year at college. We’d建议to one another over the summer, after I’d finally come out as gay to my religious grandmother in Israel. Back in Boston we said our vows at City Hall in mid-October on a quintessential New England fall day. The lightest of breezes made leaves dance above us in hues of burnt umber and crimson, the sky a bright, clear blue. In the pictures my cousin took that day, we can’t stop grinning.

我能做的就是坐在沙发上我们与我闭上眼睛,专注于我的呼吸。所有埃拉能做的就是让我漂浮和管理她的要求非常苛刻的研究。Wedding planning got pushed aside.

是有意义为M计划一个婚礼ay, right after graduation. We’re both fromIsrael;有婚礼则意味着我们的家庭就不必再进行一次旅行,我们学校的朋友们还没有散去。艾拉和我往往使我们的决策逻辑,一个以收集并深入分析了准备,信息利弊清单。我们喜欢计划。

So it really threw us for a loop when I fell apart.


My mother came to visit us in December when the semester break rolled around. We didn’t yet have a venue, a photographer, a caterer, invitations, or a guest list. How could we even think about our wedding when I could barely crawl to the bathroom on my own? Ella sat beside me each evening in our dark living room while the streetlamp outside our window illuminated an incessant wet snowfall.


Ella and I had been submerged entirely in our love for one another since we’d met, four years prior. We’d traveled across the ocean to reinvent ourselves side-by-side in a new country. We’d come out to our families together. We’d held each other as we figured out what being out even meant. We wanted our wedding to be a distillation of all the adventures we’d had together, all the wild sweetness, all the late nights of poetry and wine and chocolate ice cream.

我现在,我们不能这样做没有我们社会知道。我的妈妈,谁改变了她的飞行,借了一辆车,并开车把我们送到几十场地,直到我们找到了正确的一个。谁娶我们两当我们着手谁提供指导,亲爱的朋友们拉比craft a ceremony这充分体现了我们的本质。我们的许多朋友谁照顾我,直到我恢复了我的实力,而艾拉保持我们的生活难关。我的表兄弟开车带我们去婚纱店谁,找到了我们一个裁缝做的改变,帮助我们找出无休止的物流,使每一个细节都将是正确的。


We held our ceremony by the banks of the Charles River on an overcast day. The sun peeked periodically through the clouds, shadows and light lapping alternately at our feet as we stood, strong side by side.


我们的chuppah(婚礼篷)床罩我的曾祖母曾钩编一个世纪以前。我们的中心焦点是折纸花我们的姐妹,母亲和祖母折叠。Ella’s ring belonged to my great-great aunt Hannah (for whom I’m named), inscribed with her wedding date: May 28, 1916. My ring is brand new, picked by Ella and inscribed with a verse from the Book of Ruth: “Wherever you go, I will go.” The Jewish ceremony usually has seven blessings; we wrote seven new ones and asked our friends from around the world to bless us in their own languages.In place of a ketubah (the traditional Jewish marriage contract) we wrote an original passage describing who we'd aim to be as a family, a couple, a new entity. Our parents read it aloud—once in Hebrew and once in English. Then we danced and danced until we thought we’d faint, despite the rain that poured down, muddying our wedding gowns. Bliss is being encircled by love as you twirl your heart out.

