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How to Plan a Budget-Savvy Honeymoon in Tahiti

Yes, You Can Go to Paradise on a Dime

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只是提到Tahiticonjures up images of overwater bungalows dipping over lagoons in dreamy locales likeBora Bora.。While the classic thatched-roof ones dotting the island’s turquoise waters (deemed one of the most beautiful lagoons in the world) are the definition of paradise, not every newlywed can shell out a few grand per night for one of these overwater suites. A few years ago, locals started opening up their homes to travelers for a guesthouse-style stay with hospitality on par with that of the island’s finest resorts, but at price points more suited to a newlywed budget.

从Cliffside Lodges坐在“世界末日”到海滨简易别墅蜷缩着沙子,这里有一些真正的(和实惠)夫妻夫妇可以在新婚夫妇睡觉而不吹他们的整体188BET安卓下载蜜月比赛T在一次晚上的住宿中。唯一的决定夫妻会有困难的:118个岛屿和环礁中的哪一个你想打电话给你188BET安卓下载


Dubbed养老金,现在在岛上分散了超过300多个,夜间率低至100美元。Even better, hosts often serve as local tour guides, taking travelers on sightseeing trips, seaside hikes, and island tours where you can even get an up-close look at a working pearl farm (Tahiti’s black pearls do make for a great honeymoon souvenir, after all).

On the untouched Ahe atoll, an hour’s flight on Air Tahiti from法国波利尼西亚帕皮特的首都,你会觉得你真的在你自己的私人岛上。留在Cocoperle Lodge, one of the atoll’s two pensions, where French owner Franck will scoop you up from the飞机场他的船只乘坐20分钟的泻湖。

Six thatched-roof bungalows crafted entirely out of local materials face the water, where you’ll find paddleboards and kayaks that are yours for the taking to explore the coastline. When it comes time for dinner, Franck, a former pastry chef, and his wife, Janine, look to the sea to compose an elegant three-course meal of freshly caught fish, homemade bread and the most decadent of pastries. Ignore the concept of calories here; you’re sure to swim them off the next day.

另一个鲜为人知的地区,就像Bora Bora这样的流行邻居是Rurutu,绰号“鲸鱼岛”。Dotted with cliffs and caves, the northernmost island of the Austral archipelago (just an hour and a half by plane from Papeete) is where you’ll find the most charming of mountainside bungalows like Le Manotel, set amidst a real-life Garden of Eden. This secluded spot sitting along white sandy shores also offers up plenty of opportunities for whale sightings during the season from July to October.真正让岛上感受到岛屿,探索在荒凉的海滩上,这是完美的荒凉的海滩,就像可以得到一样完美。

Where to Eat Like (And With) the Locals

沿着水(或上面的东西!)实际上在大溪地上有所保证,有些选项,就像舷外炮斗篷漂流到你的简易别墅一样。来自侨民洲际洲际, set off on the lagoon on a whale watching tour (tip: you don’t need to be a guest here to book these excursions) followed by a dip in a shallow section of these waters where you’ll be surrounded by friendly stingrays and blacktip sharks. Then it’s time for an island-style lunch on a private Motu, or small reef island, at seaside shack Coco Beach, where you can sample island favorites like freshly made poisson cru (raw fish marinated in coconut milk).

与此同时,在Moorea,最浪漫的餐厅之一也是最随意的。在Le Mayflower下面坐在后院露台上,下方的童话灯,您将被视为一个法国风味的菜单,如虾和扇贝在普罗旺斯酱中服务;Roquefort奶酪馄饨;最天堂般的奶油Brûlée从岛上的香草精制。当你回到大陆时,当地人将指导您到达Tahiti,Blue Banana上的顶级餐馆之一,在那里您可以在那里赶上Moorea的阳光,从餐厅坐在餐厅的浮桥上享受泻湖。

如果您还没有填充Poisson Cru和French Feel,则不要在繁华的Roulottes,坐在Paweete's Place Vai'ete的江​​边坐在滨水区的Tahitian Food卡车。在挑选野餐桌子之前,在野餐桌子上坐在野餐桌旁,分享家庭风格的座位漫步,在摇曳的现场音乐中播放。


塔希提岛谎言Californ中间的岛屿ia and Australia with direct flights on Air Tahiti from Los Angeles to Papeete clocking in at just over seven hours. For newlyweds after that exotic locale but who don’t necessarily want to sit for 15 hours on a flight (and then connect on a bunch of tiny hopper flights to finally reach their dream destination), this is the perfect compromise.

When you arrive on the mainland, you can easily island-hop across the five archipelagos by plane or ferry, with islands like Moorea sitting just a 35-minute, high-speed ferry ride away (and tickets costing only $25 roundtrip). Once you’re in the islands themselves, get a lay of the land driving through traditional Polynesian villages in one of the most romantic ways possible: by scooter.

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