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An Artsy, Action-Packed Day in Marfa, Texas

Complete with lawn games, a rodeo, and one epic costume party

新娘and groom

Photo by Jennifer Boomer

虽然它是一个着名的艺术目的地,但德克萨斯州Marfa,并不是一个婚礼的明显选择。最近的机场距离酒店有190英里,天气肆无忌惮地狂野:沙尘暴,热浪,深冻结的夜晚。但沙漠镇非常适合Marika Shioiri-Clark和Graham Veysey,他们在渴望访问该镇的愿望上度过了第一次约会。两个月后,这对夫妇 - 她是一个建筑设计师,他是一名企业家 - 两周公路旅行to Marfa from their home in Cleveland.“在我的脑海里,如果我们在这次史诗驱动之后仍然幸福,那么这将是我们的关系证明,”马利卡说。五年后,当格雷厄姆提出录制一个戒指的绘画后,他们很快就决定得到married in Marfa也是。“我们希望婚礼成为一个对我们作为一对夫妇感到特别的地方,”她说。


welcome sign
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

The bride created a logo for the event and had a local artist enlarge it on the old Holiday Inn sign outside their venue.

Photo by Jennifer Boomer

Marika选择了印度尼西亚设计师Biyan的丝绸礼服,为她的重要日子。“我花了无数的时间看着婚纱礼服,并且很难找到一个我觉得我觉得同时优雅而有趣,”她回忆起衣服购物过程。但是一旦她找到了这件衣服 - “我喜欢独特的剪影和复杂的珠子,”她补充说 - 她已经改变了,所以她可以穿袖子在德克萨斯州的速度卷起。

And as you can see, the bride added some major accessories. “I love Frida Kahlo and decided to pay homage to her with a big, bold floralheaddressand a bright lip color,” Marika explains.

Photo by Jennifer Boomer


Photo by Jennifer Boomer
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

The ceremony took place at 9 a.m. on a hot August morning, with the groom in jean shorts and the bride in her gorgeous Biyan gown. Gracey, the couple’s rescue mutt—and only member of the wedding party—walked the groom down the aisle and wore a flower crown around her neck.

新娘and groom
Photo by Jennifer Boomer
first kiss
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

The couple's friends Courtney and John, who are married, co-officiated the ceremony with a custom script. "They are both prolific writers and public speakers, so we knew we were in great hands with them," says the bride.

first kiss
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

After Marika and Graham exchanged handwritten vows, they sealed them with a dip-and-kiss!

Photo by Jennifer Boomer
newlyweds exit
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

And the newlyweds made an equally dramatic exit. "Our first dance was really down the aisle after the ceremony," Marika says. " 'Pata Pata' by Miriam Makeba is one of our favorites and is one of those songs that always brings a smile to our faces!"

新娘and groom jumping
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

The fun-filled ceremony kicked off an action-packed day with a Tex-Mex brunch, field games, and a tour of the Chinati Foundation’s modern art. “We wanted to make it unique so people wouldn’t be mad at us for dragging them all the way there,” Marika says.

brunch reception
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

Brunch took place at the Capri, an industrial space and outdoor garden containing more than 170 plant species native to the Chihuahuan desert.

escort cards
Photo by Jennifer Boomer
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

在早午餐,所有180位客人都在旧的杜威小数卡上找到了他们的桌子作业,以及在水泥砖上的座位分配,被施加乙烯基作为唐纳德贾德的点头。Marika还与她的朋友在城市兰花和绿色花环和定制墨西哥人装饰天花板Papel Picado.flags (featuring their names and wedding date).

Photo by Jennifer Boomer

The couple's friends Jason and Alex used their Airbnb's kitchen to make almond travel cakes for everyone!

el cosmico
Photo by Casey Neistat
新娘and groom
Photo by John Cary

Marika and Graham rented out El Cosmico, a hotel that has vintage trailers, tepees, yurts, and safari tents, for the afternoon events. “It’s a gem of a place,” she says. “It’s glamping at its finest.”

There they hosted a field day of contests, including an egg toss and sack race. "The competition was fierce, and at one point a stray golf ball nearly hit a border patrol vehicle driving by," Marika recalls, laughing. Guests were rewarded with picnic fare, buckets of Modelos, and customized trophies.

museum tour
Photo by Jennifer Boomer

After hours of friendly battle, the group broke apart for the rest of the afternoon. Nearly 100 of the 180 guests went on formal tours of the Chinati Foundation, while the rest lounged by the hotel pool or explored town.

dance party
照片由David Jurca

但是每个人都聚在一起过夜啊f the wedding, which kicked off with a surprise show by the All American Cowgirl Chicks, a trick-riding troupe from Dallas. “They were racing around, half hanging off their horses. I can’t even imagine what my Japanese relatives were thinking!” says Marika, whose mom is from Japan.

罗德托之后是一个耸人听的晚宴和舞蹈软件,在那里每个人都被要求穿着特定的服装,就像Lady Gaga样式亮片一样。“我们看到了盛大的破冰船,”新娘说。“这些事件旨在让我们生活中不同时间的人们聚集在一起,所以他们可以互相相遇。”对于马利卡,婚礼的最令人难忘的部分就是这样。“在你的那一刻,你没有意识到,看到每个人在同一个房间里有多么疯狂,”她说。“That was amazing. And the rodeo was pretty cool too.”

Wedding Team

Venues:雷鸟酒店;卡普里;El Cosmico


Groom's Attire:Toms


Catering:Food Shark

DJ:Simone Rubi


摄影:Jennifer Boomer
