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如果你在哪里去哪里love the beach, but also want to experience a unique culture? If you want to feel like you’re in unexplored territory, but also want to feel wrapped in luxury? And if you’re seeking incredible food along with asense of history, surprise, and adventure? One unexpected option: Cambodia. Here, a handful of compelling reasons to consider the Southeast Asian country full of infectiously smiling faces for your romantic trip of a lifetime.

1. The people.

Sure, it may sound odd that one of the reasons to book your honeymoon somewhere is because the people who live there are so lovely—after all it’s about you and your partner. But in Cambodia the locals are so friendly, sweet and smiling (even more of a shocker considering the trauma and hardship many have born in the nation’s tragic past) that it will bring that much more love to the whole experience. The care and passion Cambodians—like one standout, memory-making guide withAbercrombie&Kent.名为Youss Sopanha - 对教育和照明他们的历史和传统来说是真正的服务。



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并且取决于您对建筑和环境的偏好,您可能会发现它们更加神奇。吴哥窟远离唯一值得的寺庙。有Ta Prohm,似乎通过扭曲乐团无花果和粉红色的砂岩Banteay srai,金字塔形的koh ker和神秘的超越Beng Mealea一起举在一起,你想要拥有一个专业摄影师沿着最梦幻的方式捕捉你(A&K可以与John McDermott一起设置照片课程或会话,而不是增强整个体验)


柠檬草,姜,椰奶和辣椒让你垂涎欲滴吗?高棉食品是a bit like Thai,只有柬埔寨人民会告诉你泰国偷走了它。思考香味和令人惊奇的美食鱼类和肉类菜肴,以及以令人垂涎的方式烹饪的大量蔬菜。暹粒的山顶餐厅包括马里斯,您将在那里您想要的,应该是秩序的方式太多的食物;Kroya,在皇家菜肴上供应美味的新旋转;和Mie Cafe,一个浪漫的小室内室外景点,拥有自己的花园和味道包装板。

礼貌的六种感官Krabey Island

5. There are beaches! And islands!

Again, Cambodia’s southern portion looks like something you’d find in泰国:white sand, graceful palms and turquoise water. Check into private island idylls like歌Saa.and the upcoming六种感官Krabey Island在你的恋人结束时为终极懒惰,性感的海滩度假的假期。


Any great trip should involve a little shopping, or at least the opportunity to browse. A visit to NGO金丝农场是迷人的,因为你可以看到制造丝绸的整个过程,蠕虫到华丽成品。时装设计师Eric Raisina商店是一个必备的生动作品,让你带着你带来柬埔寨的幸福。传统风格的画廊斜线店忠实的房子让每个人穿过丰富的教育,以吸引人的碎片来回到高速公路上一个十一画廊提供凉爽的现代艺术体验。

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It’s impossible not to be charmed by the apsara dancers carved into almost every ancient temple around Siem Reap, and it would be a shame to not see it come to life in a magical golden performance by the Sacred Dancers of Angkor, a non-profit troupe that show off their intricate grace and skill (accompanied by live music) several nights a week. Get out on a sunset boat cruise on the largest lake in Southeast Asia and see the way people live in a floating village, where life couldn’t be more unique—or colorful.

查看更多Up-and-Coming Honeymoon Destinations by Couple Personality


An essential for your honeymoon. Abercrombie & Kent’s Tailor Made journeys include the most deluxe arrival and departure possible—they handle immigration and customs while you go on ahead to your hotel, and at the end they leave early with your luggage to check you in so you can enjoy every last minute of your vacation. There’s a significant array offive-star glamourto be had in Cambodia, especially in Siem Reap. (And on the aforementioned islands, plus in places beyond, like Phnom Penh where there’s a new玫瑰木, and down south with the forthcoming Shinta Mani Wild).那里,amansara.has long led the charge on low-key opulence: think supremely comfortable and minimalistic rooms with tubs and private pools, plus an architecturally exciting main restaurant and pool, restored from its origins as a royal retreat. Eat as many meals as possible there, and book not only a classic couple’s massage, but spend more time in the spa and maybe even try a blind massage, performed by a local masseuse whose intuitive touch is spectacularly healing. A totally different vibe is on offer at the newShinta Mani Angkor - Bensley Collection,一个由多产和启发建筑票据Bensley设计的亲密的10 villa Stunner。每次回合都有Instagram - 有价值的大胆,华丽和充满活力的惊喜,以及私人屋顶花园,豪华的户外浴缸,艺术装饰搭配搭配池和神话般的贝尔斯。这个名副其实的伊甸园的唯一麻烦是你不想离开任何事情(毕竟,你可以在你的别墅中得到按摩) - 在规划时要记住,所以你有足够的时间放松and所有柬埔寨都要提供。

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