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NHL播放器Matt Duchene的科罗拉多州在树林里婚礼

This NHL player and his bride hosted one pretty party.

新娘and groom

照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

因为Ashley Grossaint和Matt Duchene的爱情故事,渥太华参议员的NHL球员始于科罗拉多州,因此这对夫妇也会让这对夫妇成为官方的官员。Ashley和Matt第一次在科罗拉多州堡垒柯林斯队在2010年通过共同朋友们,并于2016年从事丹佛 - 根据庆祝马特最近的世界杯获胜的幌子。在他们最喜欢的餐厅外,标签,摄影师停止了流量,拍摄了这对“为餐厅的墙壁”的照片,而是将新郎放在一条膝盖上并要求她的手。“During the meal Matt had surprise number two: He had collected videos from all our family and friends who live out of town congratulating us,” recalls Ashley, who was surprised yet again when they walked into their house after dinner to find her family and best friends waiting to celebrate.

在2017年7月8日,婚礼,这对夫妇梦想在户外私密私密。幸运的是他们的策划师,Jolene劳雷尔&玫瑰, showed them the perfect spot to create such an atmosphere—and on the first try at that! “As we were driving on the long dirt road up to the property we instantly fell in love,” says Ashley of Eaton Ranch, which they ultimately chose as their venue. “There were sparkling streams and Aspen trees lining the road the whole way in.” With the venue decided, they set about creating a romantic, elegant occasion that still felt rustic and untouched.In fact, the bride looked to Restoration Hardware as her simple, chic, and timeless inspiration for the day's aesthetic, and directly to the trees at Eaton Ranch for the palette.

Keep reading to see how this couple orchestrated their perfect party in the woods of Colorado—as captured byCallie Hobbs Photography.

照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

Ashley的花边和珍珠衬里贝特gown was only the second one she tried on. But as she looked at other dresses, she admits it was the only one she could think about. "When I slipped back into it, the tears started and I knew it was the one, she recalls.

照片由Callie Hobbs Photography
照片由Callie Hobbs Photography


照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

The groom's boutonniere was a smaller iteration of Ashley's bridal bouquet of white roses.

照片由Callie Hobbs Photography


照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

在新娘的父亲陪同到过道之后,作为一个声学乐队播放了ellie goulding的“我能爱你多久”,马特和阿什利已经回忆起来他们自己写的誓言。“这是我们整个规划过程中所做的最特别的决定,”她说。在他们的誓言期间,他们谈到了他们作为一对夫妇和越来越多的爱的旅程,但他们也在笑话中添加。“我们想让对方完全失去它,”阿什利解释道。

wood bar
照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

Eaton Ranch has cut logs that they use in fire pits, and the couple wanted to take the woodsy theme and use it in other ways. That's why they rented standing fire pits and used them for late-night s’mores. But the statement wooden display was, of course, the bar at cocktail hour. Eclectic Hive designed the concrete frame, which was filled with logs from the property. From there, bartenders served "Ashley’s Rose" (a cocktail at Tag Restaurant named for the bride) and "Matt’s Moscow Mule," in copper mugs.

lucite escort card display
照片由Callie Hobbs Photography
照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

对于护送卡片板,文具设计师在一块丙烯酸上印刷所有访客名称,然后在您猜测它 - 酒吧旁边的木制底座。一旦他们找到了他们的桌子,客人就进入了迷你舞池,配有木舞池。

dinner table
照片由Callie Hobbs Photography


We wanted to remind each guest how important they are to us and how honored and humbled we were by their presence.

照片由Callie Hobbs Photography

The menu included pre-set “biscuit boards,” a soup and salad, and then duo of filet and Atlantic salmon over risotto before the couple cut their cake—chocolate with vanilla cream cheese icing and a topper that looked like their dog, Paisley—and invited guests to enjoy a candy bar of their favorite sweets.

照片由Callie Hobbs Photography


Wedding Team

Venue:Eaton Ranch

Catering & Cake:餐饮设计



新娘的珠宝和订婚戒指:188bet官网88bet官网Fifth Avenue Designs

Bride’s Shoes:Badgley Mishka

Bridesmaids' Dresses:Amanda Uprichard


Hair:Leslee Feldhaus

补偿:Alchemy Face Bar

Floral Design:完美的花瓣

音乐:Eric Wiggs,TH娱乐

邀请&Paper Products:Jolie & Co.

Rentals:Eclectic Hive

Photo Booth:Shutterbus

摄影:Callie Hobbs Photography

Videography:Matt + Jess
