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婚纱礼服Timeline: Monthly To-Dos to Perfect Your Bridal Look

From 12 months away to the actual wedding day.


照片由Joey Willis

Chances are, you've been dreaming of your wedding gown for as long as you can remember. If you want to make sure reality lives up to your dreams, it's important to start planning and shopping for your wedding dress early on. Here, we've compiled a wedding dress timeline that leaves no detail overlooked. The average engagement length is just over twelve months, so our wedding dress timeline fits that length. If your engagement period is shorter, this timeline still works—just compress it. (And if you're getting started wedding dress shopping with less than nine months to go, consider adjusting your focus to finding anoff-the-rack敬服或在衣服上得分样品销售,这将让您保留等待时间custom-order连衣裙。)





或者,您可以向后工作:如果您在某种风格的婚纱中套装,只要您记住,您可能想要忽略以下内容,让您的梦想打扮影响您的日期和场地决策代替。例如,如果您始终设想长,有花边袖子和人造毛皮笨拙,您可能会想要挑选一个winter weddingdate. Or, if you've always imagined a subtle look, with a simple flowing dress and a flower crown, you might choose the beach or a field as your venue.天空是极限,它完全取决于你 - 只是确保在你整体婚礼的愿景中协调你的衣服的愿景。


在没有预算的情况下开始婚纱购物购物是从来没有一个好主意。想象一下,爱上了婚纱礼服,脱离你的价格范围吗?弄清楚你的婚纱礼服预算在蝙蝠中 - 那样,当你出去购物时,你可以让你的销售人员指导你穿上适合您预算的连衣裙。


Start a Pinterest Board and Figure Out Details You Like

Though you don't need to decide the exact style or silhouette of your dress before you start your search, you do want to figure out a list of things you like and don't like. Having a vision board, whether it's physical or digital, can be useful (and fun).



你知道那些剧集对衣服说是的,where the bride-to-be brings her entire girl gang wedding dress shopping? It looks fun, but that can quickly get out of hand with all the opinions coming your way. Consider limiting the number ofpeople you bring和你。坚持你的母亲,祖母,你最接近你的配偶方面,以及你最专注和最开放的最好的朋友。每个人的观点都不需要,并且可以使欢乐的时刻更加复杂。你甚至想自己出去购物。您将成为多次旅行的机会,所以您还可以更改购物伴侣。

As you shop, evaluate面料和剪影弄清楚你真正的东西。你对Pinterest的喜爱可能不适合你的现实生活。保持您的选择打开,至少尝试不同的材料和长袍形状,以便您体验所有这些。你可能会发现你的dream dressis even more magical once you try it on, but you also might discover a hidden gem in a style you never even considered.



The时间已经到达实际决定完美的衣服并投入您的订单。而且九个月看起来可能看起来早期,它实际上不是 - 除非你在样品销售时购买架子,否则婚纱通常是定制的,这意味着您必须为设计师提供足够的时间来创造和发货,以及留下足够的时间改变,99%的婚纱需要。


弄清楚你的婚礼当天1188betasia ,选择婚礼面纱

The perfect wedding1188betasia 可以制作或打破你的新娘外观。最好提前了解你想要的东西,特别是你已经选择了你的衣服。你是为了选择一个veil和任何缀饰的头发accessories?你会送一个updo,sleek chignon或松散的卷发吗?有很多可能性需要考虑,但如果您提前计划,您将获得足够的时间以获得一切。




For your big day, you might want the shoes you're buying at this point to beblue, or you might want to wear your grandmother's vintage clip-on earrings. These are the pieces that will make your wedding ensemble truly special, so you'll want to decide on them early.

Get Your Undergarments

You'll also want to have your内衣with you once you go to your first fitting, so you'll need to take care of this detail, as well. You will need to pick up a specific kind ofbra根据你的衣服背部和领口的风格,以及选择适当的形状。您也可能需要衬裙,让您的衣服绒毛出来。这也是一个好点,可以命令你的吊袜腰带.



如果你想知道什么时候让你的婚纱更改,你的答案是三个月的。坚持你的婚纱配件时间line is从这里开始。您希望确保您的Seamstress有足够的时间来完善您的衣服的适合。时间是在这里的一切,带着太迟的衣服可能导致改变太少的时间。

这是您弄清楚您的衣服是否需要进出或删除,以及确定下摆长度是否需要延长或缩短。SequeStress还将添加熙熙攘攘to the dress so that dresses with trains can seamlessly transition during the reception.



The Second Wedding Dress Fitting

Most brides have two to three fittings to make their dress absolutely perfect, so your wedding dress alteration timeline will require a trip back to the bridal salon. Most of the difficult work is done during your first fitting, thus, the second is for more minor revisions to your dress—like smoothing out the hemline for instance. You'll want to walk around in the salon with your gown on to ensure you are happy with the length,fit以及自第一个婚纱装配以来完成的任何改动。


The Final Wedding Dress Fitting

This is where it all comes together. Make sure you wear waterproof mascara because you will shed a few tears seeing yourself so close to absolute bridal perfection. You'll want one person you're incredibly close to by your side—like your mother or maid of honor—to bask in the joy, as well as to take a couple of pictures for your scrapbook.


You will not only want to keep your dress safe, but you'll also want to hide it from your spouse, so it will be a total surprise once you walk down the aisle or have your first look. Keep in mind that if your dress is embellished, separate your veil so no rips occur. Place it in a bag that will allow for the fabric to breathe and examine it to ensure it's perfect. Alternatively, some wedding salons allow you to store your dress there until the big day, which, in some cases, might be easier.


Gather Up Everything You'll Need


包装的东西(除了你的衣服)在一个小suitcase so it's easy to haul around.



This is your moment. You'll need at least a half an hour to slip into your dress, so add extra time into the day. Wedding dresses take time to put on, especially those with multiple buttons, hooks, and intricate details. You should be relaxed and not rush for even a second.
