





但是,如果bromantic PDA的思想有你的膝盖帽子出汗,放松。我们发现你的教练有多年经验提供精心设计和肺腑之言数以百万计的人。奥巴马并没有给我回应DM,但这里的实际退而求其次:他的前演讲稿戴维·利特







1.找到一个主题。“您’re not going to just write a speech from scratch. Start by brainstorming stories. Most importantly, what you’re looking for is the theme that comes out of those anecdotes. So, what’s the one unifying idea that ties everything together? Generally speaking, the best way to think about your theme is: Afterward, if people only remember one thing, what’s that one thing? Once you have that, the rest of it flows a little better," says Litt.



3.关注的新婚夫妇。“Remember the relationship that you’re celebrating is the one between the two people getting married. You’re giving the speech because you can shine some unique light on that relationship. If the relationship that you’re really giving the speech about is the one between you and the groom, you’re there; things are尴尬”建议利特。

4.分享你的感受。“Generally speaking, men think of the best man speech as a funny speech to give because we’re very uncomfortable sharing how we actually feel. But, what makes a good best man speech is the part where somebody shares how they feel. Humor is just the icing on the cake," says Litt. Try to make sure that you're delivering something more meaningful than just joke after joke. The newlyweds chose you to speak because you have something notable to add to their big day, embrace your personal insight into their bond and don't try to dilute it by只是搞笑。



1.考虑你的听众。如果你不知道谁给裁缝内容,你不能钉讲话。“随意事先问。当我在写演讲的总统,我们有过接触,在此语音是发生在说究竟谁是全场的焦点。你可以做的是一个规模较小的版本,你的POC可能是您的friend getting married. But the nice thing about giving a best man speech is that, ideally, it’s both specific to you and universal to the couple," says Litt.


2.放松。“I would say almost never start with talking about how nervous you are. I’d also say just relax. That’s a hard thing to tell someone to do, but to put it differently: Remember, you’re not putting on a show," says Litt. You're simply talking about your best friend and the love of their life, two people that you've probably spent a lot of time with. In the end, it should just flow and come out easily. Litt suggests that you try to "imagine you’re just telling a story to a group of friends because really, you are."


4.不要在幽默仅仅依靠。虽然撒了几个笑话可以松动了人群一个伟大的工具,不要让这些你敬酒,尤其是喜剧片不会自然来找你的肉。“Let me put it this way—there’s such a thing as too many bad jokes, and that number is about one. The more you treat it as an open mic night, the less happy everyone involved is going to be. You don’t need to go in thinking, 'How do I get invited back next week?'" explains Litt.

5.保持积极的东西。“我见过最好的人讲话,其中有人认为,‘噢,我的工作就是烤新郎。’Unless the groom and the bride specifically told you that’s your job, that’s not your job. The way to think about jokes is that you don’t want people to be laughing at the groom or at the couple. You want people to be laughing because they suddenly know the groom better than they did before." says Litt.

6.不要抢戏的新人。利特强调,他以前的上司(啊哈,前总统奥巴马)真的很喜欢在演讲讲述别人的故事,而这最终坚定了他的消息。188bet官网88bet官网He adds that, "His speeches are not really about him. They’re about other people. And even if you don’t have the oratorical gifts of Obama, you can still follow that example: Focus on telling someone else’s story and making someone else look good, and of course, you’re going to look good in the process."


8.获得第二个意见。记住:你在观众面前交付本吐司(因为如果你能忘了,对吧?)。因此,它不会伤害得到说什么你计划的一些反馈。“If you’re the kind of person who has a track record of going a little too far with your surprises, you should be self-aware enough to run this by a third party—maybe another close friend or a friend of the bride," says Litt.








