



杰罗德·哈里斯/ WireImage

“我长大了真的白日梦的千篇一律的生活结婚,有孩子,有一所房子所有我是30.我的头之前,我一直以为这将是一个男人,说:” 32岁的食谱作者和互联网个性汉娜·哈特。当然,这些假设都偏了。在2012年11月,该心爱的YouTube用户后面我醉厨房贴现身视频,公开确定为同性恋和积累,到今天为止,超过130万次人次观看。她的成功已经从她的喜剧烹调系列的螺旋纽约时报以百万计的社会追随者和粉丝的畅销食谱,一个畅销回忆录,另一个即将出版的新书,以及数以百万计。




毫无疑问汉娜·哈特和Ella Mielniczenko是否会庆祝结婚里程碑一大盛会。“我爱婚礼,”哈特说。"I know they’re not for everybody, but I’m the type of person who would cry at a stranger’s wedding. I love celebration. I love being with family and friends. We like to throw parties and this is a great reason to throw a party celebrating a momentous occasion for both of us."


“我们来回走了大约[有]参加婚礼,”哈特继续。"The one thing we know is that we want everyone’s energy to be in a good place, so I think we’ll have incense burning as everyone walks in to make sure everyone’s getting nice and cleansed, so they’re not bringing in any bad juju. Our wedding planner will help us hammer out the details."



"When we were originally looking for a wedding planner, we thought we’d look for someone with great reviews. It didn’t even cross our minds that we needed to find someone familiar with queer weddings. We just wanted someone who provides excellent service. So we hired a different wedding planner and started with them, and immediately started bumping into stuff. In one email they referred to us as 'the girls.' And I was like,uuugh!它只是让我觉得如此恶心。这就是我的爸爸叫我和我的姐妹。我们不是女孩子,我们是夫妻,婚礼的人......这只是感觉很奇怪。在那之后,我们发现我们的酷儿婚礼策划师“。

到目前为止,哈特说,他们所有的其他厂商也都奇怪。"The venue we found is queer owned and operated," says Hart, noting, "We found it because it was beautiful, but it’s a nice coincidence. We’re making all our decisions from that space. But it is really important that we don't work with any vendors that have biases or who aren't excited to work with us."


尽管有她的全明星供应商组到位,哈特不能忽视婚庆行业的一些异性恋方面。“我认为这是一个缺乏兴趣,”哈特说,行业缺乏LGBTQ +包容性。“同性婚姻不仅成为国家认可的最近[2015年]。婚庆行业需要赶上并意识到有一个整体的市场在那里的谁愿意帮助筹划他们的婚礼的人。”



"I’d like some heritage and some roots, but unfortunately same-sex marriages have been ignored for pretty much the whole modern era. As we go forward and plan this wedding, which not all people will recognize as legitimate, it brings up kind of painful feelings, like I don't deserve this or like I’m doing something wrong. And all I’m doing is getting married to the person I love, and that will never hurt anyone."

