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What to Do on Your First Valentine’s Day as an Engaged Couple


Kayla Barker

Back when you and your partner were dating, you probably stuck to the classic情人节plan:,鲜花,巧克力,以及两个晚餐。但现在你订婚了,是时候踩到一个陷波。毕竟,大多数夫妻都参与了一年或更短的人,这意味着这是您对Fiancé(E)的唯一情人节。所以,我们说非常常规!在这里有八种创造性的方式来庆祝这种充满爱的假期,然后绑在结时 - 并用你的配偶留住后面的情人节的日子!

For the Sentimental Couple

Use Valentine’s Day as a chance to remember why you’re getting married. Take a trip down memory lane (or a literal trip!) back to where it all began. Make a reservation at the restaurant where you first said “I love you,” rent a copy of the movie you saw on one of those first few dates or head back to the spot where the two of you got engaged.

For the Couple Saving for the Wedding

花,香槟和花哨巧克力可能是昂贵的 - 这不适合您可能拥有的任何计划cut back on spendingso you can put extra funds toward your wedding. Instead of splurging, opt for romance that doesn’t break the bank. Skip the flowers, pour prosecco instead of champagne, and roast a chicken (just like Harry and Meghan did the night they got engaged!) instead of splurging on filet mignon. If you still want that special date-night feeling, wait a week or two! You can still head out for a night on the town when it’s not technically Valentine’s Day and will be able to avoid those inflated prices and crowds.

For the Couple That Needs a Wedding Planning Break

If you’re今年夏天结婚, chances are you’re already deep into planning your wedding and could use a break. So why not turn Valentine’s Day into a pre-honeymoon? Get away for a few days, whether it’s a staycation at a downtown hotel or a cozy bed-and-breakfast, a quick trip to Mexico, or get a few days of tranquility on a camping trip (yes, you can go camping in February!). Unplug as much as you can, set an out-of-office so your wedding vendors know why you’re not responding, and focus on one another.You’ll be back to planning in a few days feeling refreshed and focused and may even have some new ideas!


踢夫妻的按摩一个陷入困境,一个完全吹夫妇的水疗中心。获得按摩,擦洗,美甲,修脚 - 别忘了拿起桑拿或漩涡!如果您真的需要一些顶部空间,请注册瑜伽或冥想类。您还可以在家找到一些禅宗:跑一个温暖的浴室,点燃一些蜡烛,然后下载冥想应用程序,让您和您的S.O.可以在不离开房子的情况下放松身心。

For the Hungry Couple

If the best way to your S.O.’s heart (or your own!) is through your stomach, use Valentine’s Day as a chance to show a little extra love. Whip out your favoritecookbook并选择你以前从未做过的挑战的东西。当您发出当地商店时,将其变成冒险,以查找必备的成分。然后摇晃你最喜欢的鸡尾酒或打开一瓶葡萄酒并获得烹饪!你会在厨房里用美味的饭菜和一些新技能结束。如果您想要更多指导,请注册烹饪课程,专注于新的菜或技术。

For the Family-Focused Couple

Newly engaged? Chances are there are a lot of people who want to celebrate with you, so make Valentine’s Day a family affair! Invite all of the couples in your family over for a group date night. Make it a potluck and have everyone bring their favorite dish. Ask the married folks to divulge their secrets to a happy marriage (or those hilarious tips they’ve picked up over the years!), and raise a glass to love!


当然,情人节没有胡ge to-do! You can celebrate love just the two of youfrom the comfort of your home. Whether it’s breakfast in bed, a romantic movie marathon, a candle-lit bath, or just your regular routine (plus an extra kiss and maybe a cute card!), don’t feel pressured to make a big deal out of February 14th—especially because you’ve got so much on your plate planning a wedding!

For the Couple Looking Forward

Now that you’re on the cusp of getting married, you’re probably thinking about what your lives will look like in the future. Why not take this opportunity to start a new Valentine’s Day tradition that you can continue for years to come? Whether it’s making a special meal that you’ll recreate year after year, booking a reservation at a restaurant you’ll love coming back to, or planning a浪漫之旅,是时候庆祝你的爱并创造新的传统。
