business purposes.

COVID-19 May Have Changed Their Plans, But These Real Wedding Ceremonies Are Giving Us All the Feels





From South Africa to southern California, we spoke to 29 newlywed couples who decided to make it official ASAP, albeit with extra precaution and not exactly as they had originally planned. And while theirweddings样许多夫妻不得不推迟或取消amid thecoronavirus pandemic-MAY没有lookedas they had envisioned, their stories are heartwarming and inspiring nonetheless.

请继续阅读,以了解这些夫妇29celebrated lovein the time of coronavirus—we hope you'll be comforted by their messages of love and commitment and encouraged by their plans for未来庆典。Because as recent bride Johana Patricia says, "Love always wins."

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Shiran & Mike

On May 4, 2020, Shiran Teitelbaum and Mike Donaghey headed to none other than Las Vegas to elope, just the two of them. Naturally, they asked "Elvis" to marry them at the Fabulous Las Vegas sign—and, afterward, he even serenaded them with"Can’t Help Falling In Love." "We’ve learned that you can’t plan everything," admits the bride. "We put together our ensembles last minute from things we happened to have in the garage. From fake flowers that I yanked out of a vase to a $2 Halloween veil and kaftan I bought to lounge in from Etsy, it felt like the ultimate #quarantineweddingchallenge. We took the planning out of wedding planning, and it all worked out. Ultimately, we’re looking at this as our marriage, but we still have ourweddingto look forward to next year."

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Kristine & Conrad

While Kristine and Conrad Pattillo are looking forward to their big celebration next year, they couldn't help but make their union official at Yonkers City Hall on May 7, 2020. "Our intimate civil ceremony gave us the chance to focus on only each other the entire day," Kristine says. "We advise other couples to try and embrace the chance to plan a stress-free day sprinkled with simple touches that make the moment memorable for both of you."

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Jasmine & Avneet

Jasmine and Avneet Singh stuck with their original wedding date, April 25, 2020—but their wedding wasthe big Punjabi celebration in Huntington Beach, California, that they had planned. "The actual day was far from what we had ever imagined. Our 300-plus guest list shrunk down to just three. There was no procession led by my now-husband on a horse," she says. "But, just like that, in the midst of a pandemic, we managed to have a beautiful wedding."

使得在三月初推迟的决定后,茉莉承认,她甚至没有去想一个民间仪式in New Jersey as all the courts were closed at that time. But, as their original date approached, her feelings—and, as a result, their plans—changed. "My fiancé and I just knew we couldn’t wait any longer, so wee found an officiant, took a stroll near the waterfront, and really 'saved the date,'" she explains. "After going through a rollercoaster of emotions, the final and most lasting one is contentment. We feel incredibly fortunate to have solidified our union even during the most uncertain of times. We know we can really tackle anything life may throw at us!"

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Raziel & Jack


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Bri & Lindsey

On April 28, 2020, Bri and Lindsey Leaverton asked their friends to join them at Doc’s drive-in theatre in Buda, Texas for special screening—of their wedding! There, the couple exchanged vows on stage, as guests looked on both from the safety of their cars and computer screens. “When life gives you a pandemic, you get married at a drive-in!" Bri says with a laugh. "Nothing could keep me from marrying the love of my life, not even a global pandemic."

When asked what she learned from the experience, Bri had this advice to share: “Hold your plans loosely. We spent months planning our original wedding, and, once we finally got to a place of acceptance after we realized our wedding was not going to happen on 4/10/2020, we were able to plan something memorable, profound, and historic! I was once told by someone, 'Sometimes you can’t tell the difference between a tragedy and a miracle.' Canceling our original wedding felt tragic at the time but what we were able to plan and bring to life in 17 days of planning our pandemic wedding was truly a miracle. I would do it all over again the exact same way.”

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Gina & Harry

"We decided to still get married on our date and have an intimate ceremony with our family in the backyard where I grew up," says bride Gina, who married her fiancé Harry on May 2, 2020. "Ironically, it has always been my mom’s dream to have a backyard wedding just like ‘Father of the Bride’.


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Julie & Benjamin


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Rime & Greg

On April 15, 2020, photographerGreg Finckand bridal designer雾凇Arodaky在交换了结婚誓言Les Domaines De Patrasin Solérieux, France. The couple shared the happy news on Instagram, adding the hashtag #loveisnotcancelled. "Yesterday was supposed to be the first leg of our wedding celebrations, where love & laughs with friends & family should have been carelessly the only things to share," their post read. "As every bride & groom around the globe, we heartbreakingly had to postpone. However, we ended up having a surprise ceremony by the lake...They say nothing lasts forever, but this moment will for sure. As a story to tell to our children."Sarah Fourniercaptured what the couple calls "the most magical evening."

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Sakile & Kamau

Sakile Lyles and Kamau Mitchell made it official in the backyard of the bride's parents' home on April 3, 2020—though, they had originally planned to marry on the beach in Tulum, Mexico. "Our decision to have our wedding like this was not something that came easily or something we took lightly," Sakile explains. "It took many discussions and disagreements before we decided when and how we were going to make it happen. We had to compromise like a real married couple, and I’m honestly glad that we did because we were able to both enjoy the day!" In fact, Sakile has a few words of wisdom for other couples navigating wedding planning at this time: "I just want couples to know that this crazy time will teach us to really grow and learn about ourselves and our partners," she says. "I honestly don’t think I’d trade our wedding day in for anything—it happened the way it was supposed to!"

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Roxy & Alex

Though they had planned to marry on March 26, 2020, Roxy and Alec Porter said "I do" in the groom’s parent’s backyard in Mesa,亚利桑那于2020年3月21日,作为抒情摄影documented the day. "We put our wedding together within two days since COVID-19 hit us a week before the wedding," Roxy explains. "Our wedding was nothing we expected but truly turned out to be the most beautiful intimate wedding! COVID-19 made us realize that we don’t need a whole lot to have a special day."

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On March 21, 2020, Mattie Claire Meese and Carl Meese made it official in Stinson Beach, California. "A week ago from today, Carl and I got married on the beach where our relationship first began," Mattie wrote on Instagram alongside a photo byAnna Elizabeth Photography。"After a surf and flowers being put in my hair, we gathered here to bind our lives together. Carl is my husband and how this came to be is far from what we ever expected." And while Mattie admits the pandemic "has shifted their world at large," she says that she ultimately feels filled with gratitude. "Honestly, we are still reeling on how sacred and beautiful this day was," she continues. "It was truly painful not to have the people we love from all over the country there. Our celebration, later on, will be all the more special to us. We can't wait to embrace our loved ones."

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阿曼达 - 赖利

阿曼达·惠勒和赖利在詹宁斯本内特街和190中的交叉结婚New York Cityon March 20, 2020. "We decided to up our wedding for super unromantic insurance purposes after layoffs," Amanda admits. "We got ourlicenseon Thursday the 19th and were headed to the county clerk's office on Friday afternoon when we heard the news that it had closed. Reilly sent a message out to our friends that we couldn’t get married that day and our friend, Matt Wilson, who lives about eight blocks from us, offered to marry us that evening. He wanted to self-quarantine so we told him it was okay if he yelled out the window and we’d just do a 'drive-by.' It turned into so much bigger than we could have ever imagined."

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Jordan Landsiedel and Tyler Epping married at St. Anthony Main in Minneapolis, Minnesota on March 21, 2020. “Above all else we got these two married on March 21st, 2020," recalls their photographer and videographer Kaylee LaMoine. "It was different then what they originally planned but apparently that was the plan all along. They had the best attitudes, the biggest smiles, but best of all, they had their wedding and made a memory. The kind of memory that comes from love, vulnerability, and remembering that there is beauty in everything."

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Miguel & Johana



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Dayspring & Shane


Only the groom's parents, a dear friend, and the best man and his wife were in attendance, but other friends were present in a different way. "While I was putting together flowers for the ceremony, we received threeflower deliveries从朋友表示慰问我们推迟庆祝,这着实让我撕了,“黎明号承认,”这是如此动人,以被认为时,有在世界上,每个人都被颠覆了他们的日常生活这么多事情的。”

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At home in Longmont, Colorado, Kayce and Chico Grine said "I do" on March 20, 2020. “These two went through losing their original wedding venue due to being closed down just six weeks before the wedding and then through the difficult decision to postpone the wedding due to COVID-19, they truly had been given a tough hand through the wedding planning process but have been nothing but tough and stuck together the whole time," recalls their photographerSincerely Jules Studio。“他们值得拥有最好的一天,并计划在今年稍后这样做!”

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Aimée & Seth

On March 21, 2020, six days before their planned wedding date, Aimée Sommerville and Seth Assam married in the bride’s parents' living room in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The bride's father facilitated the private ceremony as her mother and Seth's parents looked on.Steena Anne Photographywas on hand to capture the special moment. "We got flowers from a small florist down the road and I wore the dress I had originally planned to wear for our rehearsal dinner," Aimée says.

To celebrate, they ordered curbside pickup from a favorite local restaurant and doughnuts for dessert—but, according to the bride, none of that mattered. "While not our original plan, or even plan Z, the day was still special and filled with love," she wrote on Instagram. "The only thing that would have made it better is if our guests could have shared it with us. We can't wait to celebrate in person in the future at our wedding reception 'take-two.' We are wishing everyone health and safety as we start our life together."

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香农 - 扎卡里

Shannon Probasco and Zachary Probasco married at their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on March 22, 2020, as Kimberly Orrison of种类蜂蜜摄影captured the special moment. "People say all the time that the most important thing about a wedding is having each other. The COVID-19 Crisis proved that to be true," explains the bride. "Having each other and the people who matter most gathered around us that day was special in a whole different way. We'll cherish those moments forever."

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Sean & Laura

Sean McCabe and Laura Zhou married at the Orange County Magistrate on March 20, 2020, months prior to their planned ceremony on May 24, 2020. "Throughout the past month, we have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely, and given the trends and news, we felt that the safest option would be to postpone our wedding to the fall," explains the bride. "On March 20, we woke up and realized that a shelter-in-place order could come any day and potentially prevent us from being married this spring, so we decided to get married!"

根据该决定,夫妻双方的问Pamela Jahnke PhotographyandThomas Blake Films如果他们想能够捕捉仪式并询问他们的家庭,分散在全国各地,在社会安全距离或通过加入仪式,新娘所说的,“视频通话的魔法!”“我们不打算为它是这样,我们也没有知道,当我们在3月20日醒来,我们会在一天结束的时候结婚,”她承认笑着。“有没有戒指,没有规划的衣服,或者任何我们在这过去的一年里经过精心策划的细节,但是,我们的法院的婚礼简单而完美的,我们现在比以往更兴奋,交流我们的誓言,在婚礼我们!’ve been dreaming of, and celebrate with all our loved ones and friends at The Carolina Inn in the fall!"

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Robert & Annika

我nstead of the church ceremony they had planned, Robert and Annika Klätte wed in the office of their local church in Berlin, Germany on March 20, 2020. "We had a live stream set up so friends and family from around the world could join us," Robert says. "It was important to us to have all our friends and family around us when we shared our vows and received God's blessing on our marriage, as a sign of them being on this journey with us. It looked like that wouldn’t be possible anymore. Through the live stream, however, even more friends and family got to join than we originally were able to invite. It was all we asked for and more."

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Melissa & Martin

On March 21, 2020, Melissa Geustyn and Martin Schermers eloped at the groom’s grandfather’s farm in Pretoira, South Africa. "After over ayear of planning our special day, we were informed that we would have to postpone, with only two days left on our countdown," explains the bride. "While in a spiral of emotions and tears and one serious conversation, Martin and I decided that there was no way we weren't getting married as planned." Their solution? "We decided to stay strong and still have a small, intimate ceremony, surrounded by only our closest friends and family in Martin's grandparents' garden, which is his childhood dream to get married in where he grew up," she says. In the end, Melissa says the ceremony turned out to be "the most exquisite garden wedding, that I had ever seen," andAlexis Muntz Photography在那里捕捉一切。“看到我们的家人,亲密的朋友和婚礼供应商走到一起,支持和庆祝我们,在所有的混乱中,完全压倒了我,”她说。“这是完美的仪式,装饰和最美丽的方式捕捉,这给了我们的故事,这是不同于其他任何人因为这一点,我们永远心存感激。”

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林赛西湖和吉姆卡车上周三的步骤,其关闭church inBirmingham, Alabama3月21日,2020年“我们与我们的朋友,家人和我的一年级学生有50车巡游10人仪式结束后,惊讶!”林赛回忆说。“我们也用了大约20个汽车停惊讶的最亲密的朋友在街对面观看我们的临时仪式!这是没法比比任何我们可能已经计划,我们必须有我们的两个实验室和我们做它简直太完美了!

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保Fastuca和Ken Caccavale说“我愿意”在绿点,布鲁克林一个私人屋顶3月21日,2020年“肯和我计划我们与三月初完善每一个细节婚礼,所以我们可以只放松前几个星期仅是在我们的脑海.The件事就是天气,希望有一个温暖的一天足以打开箱子家酒店,在那里我们最初结婚的屋顶上,”保拉承认。他们的婚礼前一个星期,他们提出推迟其决定,并同时决定,的确是令人心碎的,保拉说,这是对每个人都是正确的判罚。“3月21日是我们的一天,我们决心继续保持这种方式的方式尊重一切事情,”她说。“我们的嘉宾名单,从185去晚五,但两人的我们我们的第一个公寓的屋顶结婚在一起缓解推迟的痛苦,带来了一些欢乐,这些黑暗的日子。”摄影师松尾由美在那里每一个细节,为新人记录。

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Audrey & David

在2020年3月21日,奥黛丽韦斯特曼和大卫DeJoseph在费城结婚。“我们派了一个缩放链接到我们的客人,使他们能够进行视频直播颁奖典礼上,”奥黛丽说。"My message to other #covidbrides is to focus on what’s important and not let the chaos come between you and your partner. You’ll marry your best friend one way or another, so try to focus on the positive and lean into the support from loved ones."

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Hayley & Kyle

On March 21, 2020, Hayley Lollar and Kyle Pacheco married in an intimate ceremony in Kansas, nearly ten years after they first met. “We held on to the hopes of having our wedding as long as we could. We felt defeated when the news came five days before the wedding day that we could not legally (or safely) have the wedding we’ve been planning for a year-and-a-half," Hayley admits. "After several tears and many phone calls, we rescheduled our wedding in about an hour—and through all of that, there was no discussion of如果我们会被结婚的那个周末但whereandhow。We were getting married no matter what, and I’m so glad it happened the way it did. From the very first day we met, we’ve had a unique story, so it’s fitting that this chapter starts off unique too."

对于他们的私奔,夫妻俩依靠其原有的供应商,包括Brittyn Elizabeth Photography, and their families to pull the celebration together. "Our photographer graciously helped us pick a location, offered her husband to perform the ceremony, and obviously took some bomb ass photos," Hayley recalls. "Among all the uncertainty in the world today, I’m damn thankful for our people.”

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Lizzy & Phil


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“Will and I love the outdoors, and ultimately decided on Big Bend National Park for our wedding. We planned a small, intimate wedding and were so excited to celebrate with our family and friends," says Michelle Green of her planned wedding to William Green on April 3, 2020. However, after the area shut down due to COVID-19, the couple decided to elope before their local county courthouse shut down to the public. "Several days later we contacted our photographer, Jess of我们浪漫主义,决定计划庆祝你拍的一张照片r elopement. In less than 48 hours she put together a ceremony, cake cutting, and first dinner to capture these special moments we did not get to enjoy together," Michelle says. "In the midst of all the uncertainty, I am so thankful for the opportunity we were given to capture this special time in our lives.”

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Stonly & Tamar

Stonly Baptiste Blue and Tamar Lucien Blue got married in the comfort of their home (and their cozy sweatpants!) on April 4, 2020, in San Francisco. “We weren’t going to let a small thing like a global pandemic get in the way of our union,” Stonly wrote on Instagram, proving that love is anything but canceled. "We decided to start our union with persistence and a willingness to make things work no matter what life may throw our way…together.”

编者注:请注意,由于安身的地方准则由国家而异的状态,并一改过去的几周里,需要记住的是这些夫妇决定做他们认为什么是重要的是根据自己国家的独立准则对他们最好的和可在他们的婚礼的时候的信息。欲了解更多了最新的指引,检查CDCand your state's website.

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