

Step one: Keep calm!



有很多思考的时候planning your big day-no无论身在何处你的婚礼日期在日历上。但是,如果它正好是在冠状病毒危机中,你可能想知道你应该做的,如果有什么事情,准备和规划你的婚礼可能会受到影响的可能性。

现在,无论你是计划一个婚礼me or国外, there are countless moving parts surroundingCOVID-19—and since this situation is fluid, what it means for your wedding, specifically, really depends on your wedding date, guest count, location, and extent of travel involved.


  • JoAnn Gregoli is the founder of优雅场合下由乔安Gregoliin New York City.
  • 艾莉森Laesser-凯克是一个事件制片人和创意总监Alison Bryan Destinations在加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉。她和她的丈夫和贸易伙伴,布莱恩,专门在目的地婚礼策划。bet188体育手机端
  • Aleah谷的联合创始人谷&Company的活动in Seattle. She and her husband, Nick, have been planning weddings for 17 years. In 2018, they published their first book,Storied Weddings: Inspiration for a Timeless Celebration That Is Perfectly You
  • 伊娃·克拉克伊娃·克拉克活动is a wedding planner based in Atlanta. With 17 years of experience, she has planned more than 500 weddings domestically and abroad.

However, at this point, it's safe to say that any wedding in 2020 will look differently, whether it's allowed to happen on a smaller scale right now or as you'd dreamed later on. "The truth is that the coronavirus has disrupted the wedding industry,” says planner JoAnn Gregoli of优雅场合下由乔安Gregoli


为了帮助你,你应该准备什么做和帮助,如果你这样做,不幸的是,不得不改变计划,我们与整个行业的专家,包括旅行顾问和婚礼策划说话,给你在COVID-19是怎么细看影响婚礼策划,现在,bet188体育手机端如何来准备在未来几个月。他们的整体118bet网娱乐 ?做好准备,遵循新闻紧密结合,并与供应商和客人保持一个开放的对话。“另外,如果可以的话,预定计划者,使他们能够帮助您浏览这个疯狂的行业,并提供了选择,” Gregoli建议。“Whenever there is a problem, there is always a solution to the problem.”

而且,不管你的情况,一定要保持你的眼睛上的最终目标是非常重要的。“与往常一样,照顾好自己。老实说,这是确定的哭了。这是确定的生气或感到各种各样的情绪,”艾莉森Laesser,凯克说:Alison Bryan Destinations。"One thing we like to tell our clients is that it’s not a matter ofif, just a matter ofwhen。你一天会到来,相信我们,当我们说这将是最令人惊奇的事情。当我们都可以走到一起,庆祝,将有没有别的喜欢它。"



“如果你被提名今年五月或六月,甚至进入7月份结婚,我们强烈建议您与您的家人和大约COVID-19的对他们的旅行和安全婚礼影响的讨论最亲密的朋友,” Aleah谷说:的谷&Company的活动。“我们已经感动了所有我们的夏季活动的这个秋冬,我们在我们国家预测,华盛顿,超过50集会将不会被允许,直到八月。”



Rules and regulations vary by state, and sometimes by county, so it's important to stay informed with the latest guidelines in your wedding location, as well as where your guests will be traveling from.

伊娃·克拉克伊娃·克拉克活动is doing the same—though, she notes that the amount of flexibility can depend on your venue. "Many venues, especially ones that also act as food and beverage, are not allowing any changes now, but are open to evaluating one-to-two months out based on where things stand at the time," she says.

What to Do If You've Decided to Postpone

Whether you're forced to postpone or decide to out of precaution, it's important to remember that youhave options, and your team—and family, friends, and us!—will be there to guide you through the process of postponing your event. "As planners, we want this to happen for you. You deserve to celebrate," says Valley. "Let’s just shift the date to make that happen."

To help you navigate that process, see our complete step-by-step guide to postponing a wedding这里。想在短版?开始使用下方。

  1. Hire a Planner:“如果你没有一个策划,争取专家的帮助下一些单对单的咨询,”克拉克建议。“许多规划者提供了这样的一个一个点菜的基础上,有些人会提供它自己内心的善良的。”
  2. Review Your Contracts:While Clark says to start with this step as a couple—to understand your options and investment—she doesn't mean to lead with paperwork when discussing with vendors. "Don't lead with them when it comes to negotiating a postponement or cancelation with your venue and vendors," she says. "Vendors are far more likely to work with you on a postponement than a cancelation. Start the conversation softly and avoid obtuse language."
  3. Decide on a New Date:这一步涉及到两层,讲述了用您的直系亲属和VIP嘉宾和您的供应商。“您的工作方式,从最昂贵的供应商将至少搜索新的日期下来,”克拉克建议。“我建议着眼于一个赛季,与一天或一个月,以便为争取最好的结果。”此外,确认新的日期前,她建议让您的供应商确认的80%至100%。为什么?“如果你能得到所有,但在船上你的头发和化妆艺术家,它可能是最好的失去$押金500,并保留你最想要的日期,”她说。
  4. Expect Extra Fees:Be prepared to pay extra fees or lose a portion of your investment. "As this pandemic continues to affect all aspects of our economy, venues and vendors will likely become more rigid in their policies," Clark says.
  5. 动作快点:It's no secret that time is of the essence right now. "Be prepared to move quickly," she says. "Other clients are your competition here as so many are in the same boat. This requires flexibility and optimism!"




While that timing may be ideal, it also may not be possible for you depending on the flexibility of your vendors. For example, while Clark was able to reschedule her spring weddings to prime dates in 2021, she recognizes that the circumstances—for couples, vendors, and the world—have now changed. "Some of my couples have been able to postpone without losing much of their investment, while others are kind of stuck in a holding pattern based on how far their wedding is," she says. "Some of my peers feel that we won't return to 'normal events' until summer 2021.我们都没有水晶球,所以接下来的步骤是坚硬的导航“。


  1. Consult With Your Team:First, Valley encourages couples to speak with your entire creative team in the same swoop—your wedding planner, the venue, catering team, musicians, video and photography team, basically anyone involved in the day. "Get a pulse on a potential back-up plan and have alternate dates in place sooner in case regulations or your outlook shifts," she says. "The goal is to have all of your loved ones safely attend your big day so everyone can celebrate you. Try to think about changing a date as just that—picking up your wedding and simply moving it to a date that feels good for everyone involved so everyone can safely celebrate."
  2. Recognize Your Priorities:"When we postpone a wedding, we are first and foremost determining if the venue and hotels can accommodate the new date, and after that, we’re reaching out to all vendors simultaneously to see if they can do the same," Laesser-Keck says. "Chances are slim that your entire plan and team will be able to be carried over without any changes, and you’ll have to consider any extra fees that may be associated when determining whether to postpone later in 2020 or move to 2021, but in general you’re aiming for the least amount of changes and financial impact as possible."
  3. 确定非Negotiatables:言之有你的合作伙伴,并考虑您的非negotiables是什么,以及它们将如何影响你的最终决定。For example, are you willing to scale back from a ballroom wedding with 250 guests to a backyard wedding with 50 guests? Are you okay with not being able to hug your guests or dance close to them? Is it imperative that any elderly people attend your wedding, such as your grandmother?
  4. 考虑你的客人:“Where your guests are traveling from is definitely a huge factor," says Laesser-Keck. "Just like the availability of your venue, if your guests have made travel plans, you need to think about how much time they’ll need to make adjustments." If your guests are primarily local, she says you can likely make your final decision closer to three months out but says it's important to keep in mind that invitations should really be sent at three months to allow for an RSVP deadline of eight weeks before the wedding date. "We always recommend eight weeks to allow for seamless production (availability of décor, the printing of day-of materials, sourcing of welcome gifts, et cetera)," she says.

在一个推迟截止日期,越早越好条款。有了这么多的2020婚礼动加,新检疫建议—we recommend acting swiftly so you can secure a new date, and inform your guests and team accordingly.


无论你的婚礼是由COVID-19的影响是在空气中真正达到,现在,这取决于当它的计划和地点。“对于在秋天举行婚礼,我们都多一点时间,但要记住,这一切都取决于客人是否被移动为你的婚礼,以及你的场地的可用性,以适应延期,补充说:” Laesser - 凯克。

Right now, it's important to stay informed and make educated decisions as more (reliable) news becomes available. "It's a waiting game right now," she says. “Things are changing day by day and week by week. Don’t do anything drastic before you have a chance to be properly informed.” At this time, our experts say they are a few weeks away from making the final decisions about秋季婚礼。“现在的问题是这个奇怪的时间,其中的婚礼计划要么快速移动的闪电或我们都不能作出任何,任何决定的” Laesser - 凯克承认。"The best thing you can do is create a roadmap of options so that once more info comes in, you can make quick and informed decisions."


为了做出决定在时机成熟时,继续前进,必须进行认真的讨论与您的团队决定采取行动的前进的最佳方案。它不会伤害到知道你的选择maybe if the current regulations are extended to include your wedding date—so speak to your planner, if you have one, and if not, call your venue to see what your options might be.

  1. 谈谈你的地点:"If you’ve booked a popular wedding venue that does 52 weddings a year, you might not be able to get in any sooner than a year out if you wait too long to decide—unless of course, you choose another day of the week," says Laesser-Keck. "With that said, some venues won’t even discuss postponement with you too far in advance because they have to allow spring 2020 weddings to postpone first." Moral of the story? Talk to your venue and be transparent about what your concerns are so that you have a support system and can be ready to make the leap when the time is right.
  2. 讲与供应商:“有时,最好把它弄出来你的系统,并认为最坏的情况下,所以你可以准备,并拿出一个比赛计划,”丹妮拉VillaRamos,主祭和老板说Once Upon a Vow在纽约布鲁克林。“询问有关解决方案的供应商,你应该需要推迟您的活动,如果你和/或你的伴侣得到确诊患有COVID-19。”如果您已经signed contracts婚礼供应商(我们希望你做到了!),它的智能先走,并与你的婚礼厂商,坐下来讨论,比如你的摄影师。“坐下来,重新审视他们的合同,如果他们需要取消或推迟他们的婚礼可能会发生什么,”建议Michael T Davis, a wedding photographer in Central Pennsylvania. "You should have a transparent and honest conversation about your anxieties with all of the vendors on the topic of sanitization and what vendors are doing to keep themselves and their wedding party/guests safe."
  3. Keep Everyone in the Loop:为了避免不断提问family members and wedding guests, Marlie R. Vodofsky, owner ofMarlie Renee Designs在泽西市,新泽西,建议积极加入Blurb的你婚礼网站acknowledging the coronavirus, and letting guests know you will keep them in the loop should any plans change. “You can also go as far as adding a link to theCDC网站in the ‘travel and accommodations’ section of your wedding website so guests can quickly access up-to-date and accurate information as well,” she adds.
  4. 是你的客人的体贴:为了这一点,Laesser - 凯克强调它要占你的客人的健康,时间和资金在这个时候是多么重要。“真的是你的客人的体贴,尽量给自己一个期限作出决定,允许其舒适和安心,”她建议。“正如在婚礼的那一天,你想让他们感受的照顾,所以给他们额外的时间来进行调整或取消他们的行程将不胜感激。”

If Your Wedding Is Planned Internationally in 2020



Gregoli说,那些在这船上基本上有两种选择:“你应该考虑postponing the wedding或完全移动的目标,”她说。

  1. Postponing in Your Original Destination:“对于我们的客户,他们已经要求你的任何区域结婚限制旅行在2020年,我们正与我们的供应商的交易在那里,如果他们有可能潜在地推迟,” Laesser - 凯克,谁是目前规划中的几个说婚礼在意大利。“我们已经通过在这一点上几个‘自然灾害’,而我们知道,如果一个场地无法履行其合同,你是,你可以改变可能的场地确定在那里,但你想尝试一下,看看是否销售商,你正在招聘会开到更改日期或位置(根据自己的情况而定),如果危机形势需要它。”当重新安排一个目的地婚礼,你还必须考虑在客人住宿的变化,所以Laesser - 凯克建议问自己:“你有没有签订合同的酒店,如果是这样,他们就会让你推迟所有的房间到另一个日期?What other events are happening in the area you’re getting married that weekend? Will the rates stay the same?"
  2. Choosing a New Domestic Location:“做好准备,考虑一个惊人的国内位置,作为后备的一个周末或为期一周的婚礼之旅在美国,”谷建议。"The majestic islands in Washington State are breathtaking, San Diego’s beaches are incredible, Napa Valley is filled with rolling hills and grapevines, upstate New York is so pastoral and serene, and New England in the fall is just stunning—all beautiful locations that could be a spectacular substitute to your original ideas." Also on her list? "A location that means something to you both, or to your families that you maybe didn’t think of before, like the lake house you were engaged at or the mountains where you grew up hiking with your family, or the coast where you vacation with your friends each summer," she says. While having a domestic wedding might look different, you can still roll with the same vision for having an extended weekend and get your guests excited. Valley adds, "It might open up more guests who weren’t able to make the international trip before."


Whether you’re bookinghoneymoon travel或问客人to travel for the big day, weddings involve some degree of travel. Knowing this, it’s important to understand travel options for both you and your guests in the coming months.

  • Understand Cancellation Policies:首先,任何人安排旅游行程应检查CDC的和WHO日常的网站,并要求他们自己的医生的建议,建议莱斯利·科恩,在豪华旅游顾问SmartFlyer。Beyond this, she is advising that her clients calendar theircancellation deadlines做决定的点时,他们可能会失去存款(或更多),而不是使立即作出决定的时候,可能不需要它,可能没有任何区别经济。“如果你想改变与潜在的豁免或灵活的政策,让他们移动日期而无需额外的成本或酒店合作伙伴巡航检查,”她建议。
  • Consider CFAR Insurance:如果你的蜜月或旅188BET安卓下载游计划超出了春天,她强烈建议有计划向前发展。“书的地方,你想要去的,但如果你担心预订灵活取消政策,并考虑取消以任何理由旅游保险,”她说。Laesser-凯克同意。“如果你还是很担心,得到恒虚警保险,”她说。“跟着你的感觉!”




  1. Follow CDC Guidelines:如果你有你的时间和地点集合,讲究专家(CDC)在说什么,并听取他们的意见,建议旅行惠勒,总裁SB价值, a company that buys food for caterers, concessionaires, and culinary professionals. “Pay close attention to what venues are allowed to do and how they can make sure their guests are safe,” he says. “Yes, it’s your wedding, the most important day in your life, but the last thing you want in your celebration is to make a lot of people sick.”
  2. Expect a Smaller Guest Count:It’s important to be aware of your guests’ travel plans, and understand if some118bet网娱乐 choose not to attend the wedding or any pre-wedding event. “Guest counts may drop due to the fear of flying,” Gregoli says. “I would recommend that you lower some of your guest counts, as you may not get as many people as you thought in the first place.”
  3. 考虑餐饮最低金额:据希瑟·琼斯的餐饮销售总监温特葡萄园在加利福尼亚州利弗莫尔,夫妇有满足他们的食品和饮料的最低更加困难的时候,由于较低的客人计数。“夫妻那些无法获得签证旅游的客人,空中航班取消或正在关注国内旅游的客人,”她说。"If you’re booking a venue or catering for an upcoming wedding or event, make sure you understand their policies. “When can you cancel, what are the fees, and do you have options to make up any missing food and beverage minimums?” she says. Additionally, if you've had to change your date, Clark recommends taking this account before signing any new documentation. "When you sign your contract addendums (or new contracts) see if your venue/caterer is willing to lower their food and beverage minimum for your event," she advises. "This will help protect your investment should you face a drop in the guest count even after a postponement."
  4. Keep Guests Informed:For anyone who has already sent out invitations, Laesser-Keck recommends sending guests a quick note and updating your website with any new information, or a simply a message that lets guests know you're monitoring the situation. If you haven’t gone to print on invitations, and if you can, she recommends asking your stationer about the option of paying for rush printing so you can hold off on printing until the very last second. "Make sure you’re designing your invitations with a line item that requests your guests’ email addresses and make sure to direct them to a website for any updated information," she advises. "Being able to easily be in touch with your guests right now is key!" Another tip? "We’re also recommending modifying designs with less time-consuming print material methods—flat printing versus letterpress as an example—and doing online RSVPs, whenever possible, for ease and reliability," she says.
  5. Design With What's Available:The current climate可能会阻碍你的花店提供鲜花,这取决于他们的来源何处能力。“我们的flowers从当前没有经历冠状病毒爆发,像荷兰,厄瓜多尔和南美等世界的主要部分出货,但我们不知道是什么,未来几个月将带来,说:”克里斯蒂‘测测’的托德CeCe Designs and Events在阿拉巴马州伯明翰市。尽管如此,许多杂货的那个花店用于装饰,如花瓶和绢花大型安装,都可能被病毒所影响,她指出。所以,如果你已经有花艺设计师的工作,考虑讨论的备份计划,并选择一个118bet金博宝app that does not require the purchase of new products to produce the desired look for your special day.
  6. Source Local Goods:当采购的青睐和物品的欢迎袋,考虑什么是提供给您和支持小企业的工作!“我会建议寻找在此处产生的局部精彩的青睐,” Gregoli说。
  7. Practice Extra Hygiene:“For now, we’re following the CDC guidelines of basic human hygiene, which means washing our hands and/or using hand sanitizer every time we shake hands, touch elevator buttons, open a door, jump on the train, etc. and avoiding touching our faces especially when we’re in public places,” says VillaRamos. Jones reiterates this point. "We're taking extra precaution to ask that staff members showing signs of illness stay home and to place hand sanitizers at entrances to buffets, food stations, and rooms," she says.
  8. 考虑一个虚拟婚礼:对于年长的客人或那些谁选择不旅行,戴维斯建议考虑你的婚礼的直播流。“以现在的技术,它通过去住是很容易设置的东西了在社交媒体账户,”他说。为了帮助,一些国家甚至提出变焦婚礼法律。看看我们的终极指南扔下方的虚拟婚礼。



Whether you're waiting on a dress, planning to start the dress search, or needing to find a new style thanks to a wedding date change (hello winter brides!), your search will likely look different at this time. That said, that doesn't mean you don't have options!


According to the American Bridal and Prom Industry Association, 80 percent of婚纱are manufactured in China, as well as other overseas destinations. For this reason, salons who are awaiting the shipment of such dresses are backed up, says Gregoli. Local salons, however, whose designers are mostly based in the U.S., are not experiencing such delays. Alison Kent, bridal manager of春甜婚纱店在荷兰,密歇根州,说她的团队一直在与设计师们​​是非常交际与船次和更新。“They’re prioritizing brides that have weddings coming up, which is hugely helpful, however, ship dates are being pushed back to about 20 weeks instead of 14—and that’s changing weekly,” she says. If you’re just beginning to shop, consider one of the below options. “If the gowns are disrupted and you cannot get them in time, consider buying off the rack gowns with everyone possibly picking a different type of dress,” Gregoli adds. Kent also recommends calling your local bridal salon to see what they have.“There’s really a 'we’re-all-in-this-together' mentality so we want to make sure that all brides are taken care of and can wear a beautiful dress if not the dress of their dreams,” she says.

What to Do If You're Ready to Shop

Thanks to stay-at-home orders, you're likely not able to have the traditional salon experience. That said, many bridal brands and retailers have adapted their practices so you don't have to wait to find the one. Below, your options.

  • Do a Virtual Try-On:许多婚纱品牌和设计师们使用变焦和FaceTime公司的脸对脸与新娘连接,并创建一个开始在家bridal salon experience through services like virtual appointments and one-on-one styling sessions conducted over video. If you want to physically touch and try on your dress before making the big decision, some brands even offer programs that ship wedding gown and bridesmaid dress samples straight to your door. See a list of brands offering virtual sessions1188金宝搏亚洲
  • Shop Online:Online shopping is still safe at this time! Check out the best sites to shop for a wedding dress这里
  • Order Ahead:If you're looking to order a新娘礼服和/或伴娘礼服从传统的沙龙或retailor,Gregoli建议加倍购买上袍的交货时间。如果平均recommended lead time是婚礼前的8〜12周,可以考虑提前16周和24周之间这样做。

If You're Planning a Wedding in 2021

If you’re just starting to dive into planning, it’s natural to have a million “what if” questions about the future. While all of this is uncertain, we hope this news won’t cripple you or take away from the excitement that comes withbet188体育手机端。“真的,真的很激动!”谷建议。“这是你一直在等待的时刻,并且在世界的景观可能有所不同,现在,你的亲人将要如此兴奋的拥抱,庆祝你的时候你的婚礼来了。”出于这个原因,我们说注意到上述情况,并考虑下面为你(希望)继续计划冠状病毒的唤醒。

  1. 现在就开始: ”老实说,甚至不考虑2020,除非你已经锁定,并让专业人士帮你通过这个。我们真的不认为这是对应激的不确定性和数量值得考虑,“建议Laesser-凯克”。如果你设置在2021,特别是春天的2021,你一定会需要移动快!还有从2020年的夫妇谁是推迟,所以我们看到的日期和地点开始快速去竞争。”
  2. 服务您的供应商团队:“你的创意厂商都摩拳擦掌创建和庆祝的夫妇,“谷承认,”分享好消息和重点的东西,你可以积极谋划现在:选择正确的日期,雇用你的创作团队,白日梦的故事将如何的外观和感觉,听音乐的播放列表,并梦想着有趣的鸡尾酒服务“。
  3. Make a Vision Board:Valley recommends creating a Pinterest board that is more real-life geared: "One that focuses on food styling you love, pretty cocktails, flowers seen in nature, architecture, and landscapes," she describes. "Use this real-life inspiration to develop the ideal design plan for your big day and share it with your developing team."
  4. Follow Positive Accounts on Social Media:In a time of such uncertainty, Valley also recommends following accounts (like@brides!)有帮助的规划技巧。“这么多的顶级规划师,花卉设计师,服装商店和场馆使其分享快乐和积极的规划技巧使命,”她说。
  5. 变通:“这将是一年时的灵活性是关键,不仅有日期和地点,但也算客人承认,” Laesser - 凯克。“我们基本上可以两个赛季合并成一个,我知道每一个其他场地和供应商那里会做同样的,所以给自己尽可能多的选择尽可能是非常重要的。”

To end, Valley shares a final piece of advice for all planning or affected by the current coronavirus crisis. "The goal of a wedding is to celebrate the couple and their love story with their loved ones and families. We encourage couples to plan full steam ahead, to continue to be inspired and seek out inspiration, and to also share their story," she says. "As soon as we’re all able to gather, you know that your wedding is going to be feted and celebrated like crazy! Be ready for that moment and have your plans in place to have the best wedding ever!"

