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These Quarantine Marriage Proposals Prove That Love Always Wins

COVID-19 can't take proposals away from us.

engagement shoot

Photo by费边的照片+电影

When the quarantine is all said and done, plenty of couples will walk out of isolation with rings on their fingers.COVID-19might have spoiled several proposal plans but one thing is for sure: The pandemic hasn't stopped anyone from popping the question.

In fact, quarantine has only caused men and women to get even creative with their proposals—stepping up the expectations for engagements everywhere. When a trip to Paris wascanceled due to Coronavirus, one man found a unique way to bring the City of Love to his now-fiancée in Virginia. Another man enlisted the help of his two young sons for a tear-jerking heartfelt marriage proposal.

纵观当今世界的不得了地位,爱情仍然发现了一种占上风,这些检疫提案故事证明这一点。此外,你可能只是得到启发,求婚during this pandemic, too!

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A Parisian Proposal...In Virginia

当冠状宠坏卢克McClong的建议计划时,他做了一个最好的巴黎弗吉尼亚带来的东西,。绘制埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门上的砖墙后,他护送女友埃里卡Diffendall他自制的市情和求婚了。“我是说我在生命中的爱‘巴黎’,在Twitter上写道Diffendall。可爱的提案故事甚至引起演员的注意约翰·卡拉辛斯基, who featured the moment on his new YouTube series.

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Not Your Typical Picnic

Photographer Marybeth Rajotte and her boyfriend were supposed to take a road trip to celebrate their one year anniversary but ultimately opted for a picnic in the park. Over pizza and champagne, Rajotte's boyfriend surprised her with a proposal! "Well the wind was blowing everything everywhere and it was freezing. but this guy always knows how to turn my days around," she captioned her Instagram announcement. "Wery happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with him."

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The Backyard Bachelor

Forformer Bachelor Ben Higgins, quarantine seemed to be the perfect opportunity to propose to girlfriend Jessica Clarke. The couple didn't have to break isolation rules for their picture-perfect engagement either. Higgins got down on one knee in Clarke's parents' backyard—where they've been quarantining together. "I now officially have the most beautiful, kind-hearted, supportive, well-intentioned person to spend life with! Let’s celebrate...but for now let’s stay home and isolate," he shared on Instagram.

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虽然在美国特拉华州隔离起来,PJ布鲁诺还是找到了办法提出女朋友贾兹Zepatos在朋友和家人面前。如果不知道Zepatos,布鲁诺邀请亲朋好友加入放大通话见证参与。188bet官网88bet官网“在全球一片混乱中,PJ设法找到一个方法来收集我们最亲密的朋友和家人创造我一生中最神奇的时刻之一,” Zepatos Instagram上下面的建议中写道。“谢谢大家谁在我们特殊的日子里参加了从你家的安全。我们爱你这么多。当这一切结束,我们要拥抱和欢呼声和笑在一起。”

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Engaged and Quarantined

Although James Dillon didn't propose to Kelly Whalen in Las Vegas like he originally planned, his back-up plan turned out to be just as special. The night before the couple was supposed to fly out, Whalen walked up the steps to find Dillon on one knee. "It wasn’t an elaborate Vegas proposal, it wasn’t glamorous, but it was OURS, and in this crazy insane time, it was ONE thing that actually made sense, and good lord, if I have to be quarantined with anyone it’s this guy," she shared onInstagram.

Following the proposal, Dillon and Whalen called upon Fabian Photo and Films for an epic (and socially distant) engagement shoot.

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Ring Pop Proposal

No diamond ring? No problem! When Coronavirus stopped Chris Crane from engagement ring shopping, he didn't let that stop him from popping the question to Kristen Dejong. He got down on one knee with a ring pop during quarantine—scoring him major points for creativity! "So this happened. Yes it is a ring pop," she said on Instagram. "We’re getting hitched!

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Picture-Perfect Polaroids

Polaroids were all Mikal McClendon needed to propose to Matt Oswalt. He printed photos from their relationship and wrote "Our love is a journey and I'm thankful for all of it because it's led us here. Let's never give up on us," on each picture. He then placed the polaroids in the shape of a heart surrounded by votive candles and rose petals. "Even in these uncertain times, there’s one thing I’m 100% sure about and that’s my love for this man," he wrote.

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A Literal Corona Proposal

Emily Pye of Savannah, Georgia caught engaged with a bottle of Corona in her hand—a light-hearted spin on the craziness of today's world. "Hey guys please excuse me while I interrupt your corona updates with SOME PRETTY FREAKING EXCITING NEWS," she eagerly wrote on Instagram.

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Pups and Sweatpants

In quarantine, the days are spent in sweatpants and makeup-free. And that's exactly how Bill Allen and Kristen Ley were when they got engaged! "The best news of my life," she wrote. "Bill & I are engaged, in sweatpants, no makeup and dirty hair. It was perfect." Allen spread rose petals throughout the couple's living room and even enlisted the help of their two dogs to pop the question.

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Busted by Beach Patrol

Francesca Harris and Maximiliano Adame wanted to enjoy a relaxing day at Venice Beach, completely forgetting about the state's order to close beaches. Adame had planned to propose on the date but before he could pop the question, the couple was approached by beach patrol. As Harris grabbed their beach towels, Adame immediately got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She wrote on Instagram, "I love this very honest and completely unplanned engagement pic, simply full of our love."

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A Family Affair

Jo Solis recruited the help of his two young sons, Dominic and Evan, to propose to girlfriend Vanessa Palomo at home. The sons each wrote Palomo letters asking her to marry their father. When she was done reading the handwritten notes, Solis dropped to one knee and presented her a ring. We love when a proposal turns into a family affair!

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The Best Birthday Present

布兰登·钱伯斯为了女友Lauren Elyce Price's birthday present-turned-surprise-proposal. He transformed their home into a romantic restaurant and even hired someone to serenade the couple as they dined. Eventually, he got down on one knee with a ring! Price shared the moment on Instagram writing, "I cry every single time I watch this video. Our friends & family couldn't be there to witness the engagement and I am SO happy Brandon documented every single detail. A memory we'll have archived forever."

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A Street to Themselves

On a normal day, a proposal in the middle of a street in Fort Worth, Texas probably isn't possible. But in the quarantine-era, it is easy to get a street to yourself and Angel Garza took the opportunity to propose to girlfriend Alyssa that way. The gesture seemed to be a surprise and Garza even recruited wedding photographer先生和夫人阿彻to capture the moment—from a safe distance, of course!

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A Masked Marriage Proposal

A New Jersey police officer hadn't seen his girlfriend Beth Salamon in a month, but that didn't stop him from proposing the second they were reunited! He surprised Salamon with breakfast in bed while wearing a mask that read "WYMM," as in, "Will you marry me?" She responded by writing "Yes" on a face mask of her own! "It’s been very lonely to be apart. It took us so long to find each other, we don’t want to waste a moment," Salamon toldGood News Movementafter the engagement. "I was over the moon just to see him again. When he proposed, it was the most meaningful moment of my life, especially after worrying about his safety daily. This virus has made love more important than ever. Human connection is everything."

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