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Nine experts weigh in.


Photo byHannah Costello

As states begin to ease their COVID-19 restrictions and start reopening, it's almost as ifvirtual weddings比他们到达将会消失得更快。但是,now that couples can slowly start to gather with (a limited number of) guests and say "I do" in-person, it begs us to ask: What will weddings look like in the social distancing era?


A socially distant wedding is a ceremony and/or reception that follows the social distancing measures put in place by state and local governments to mitigate the spread of a contagious disease. Such measures might include a limited guest count and specific regulations, such as no congregating and special seating, to ensure that guests stay six feet apart, at minimum.

虽然没有人知道未来会到底是什么,这已经不是什么秘密婚礼,因为我们知道他们,将是暂时截然不同。俄亥俄州最近宣布重新开放计划,并在2020年6月1日,中西部地区国家可容纳婚宴场地有300人,但他们必须遵循一个严格的安全协议that includes "no dancing, no mingling" and restrictions such as six feet distancing between tables, to name a few.

“We recognize that there are a lot of weddings and events that are important to people's lives that can and should go on," said Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted in apress conference. "We are just asking that it be done safely as possible to avoid the spread of the virus."

Such guidelines are put in place to protect couples, guests, and vendors alike, but they'll likely force us all to reimagine quintessential wedding elements, such ascocktail hour娱乐,因为我们重新规划,以满足社会距离的规定。“有在印刷精美的,如‘不聚集’,这转化为无鸡尾酒和无舞池许多指导,”丽莎海东青,共同创始人和创意总监解释A Charming Fête在俄亥俄州。



So, what will asocially distant weddingbe like? We turned to planners, caterers, venues, and musicians (many of whom are recreating engaged couples' big days as we speak!) to hear their predictions on this new world of weddings. Below, what socially distant weddings will look like, and the newfound wedding trends that might be here to stay because of them.

Fewer Guests, More Intimacy

Perhaps the most obvious change during this time will be smaller guest lists. (It's the easiest way to limit the number of people at a gathering!) While eliminating loved ones is a challenging ask for couples at any time, Blake Sams, ofGregory Blake Sams Eventsin Charleston, says a happy consequence of smaller guest counts will be the popularization of more intimate gatherings. "We foresee more intimate gatherings with even greater attention to detail," he says. "Smaller events allow the couple to tailor the event with their guests in mind."

That said, we understand that narrowing down a guest list is not easy—especially if you have to disinvite guests. However, due to the unprecedented circumstances of today, planners predict that guests will be understanding. Also, this decision may not be left to couples—some can blame the call for a reduced guest count on their venue. Venues across the country, such as Florida's奥德班故居和热带公园, are looking to reduce their maximum capacities to ensure social distancing practices can be safely met.Audubon House plans to limit their maximum capacity by more than 40 percent, from 130 people to as low as 75, according to Laura McKenna, director of events.

outdoor venue“class=Eric Kelley; Venue Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards" data-tracking-container="true">
Photo by埃里克·凯利; Venue皮平山农场葡萄园

Face Masks & Extra Precautions

“All considered, I am now telling all my clients that if you proceed with your 2020 wedding, you must be prepared to adjust your expectations," says Eva Clark ofEva Clark Events在亚特兰大。“换句话说,除了减少客人数,你可能会需要实现的安全防范措施,如温度计扫描,面具, sanitizing stations, and, possibly, waivers for guests to sign."

Outdoor venues皮平山农场葡萄园in Virginia and坎农绿色in South Carolina have already gotten a head start, installing handwashing stations throughout their properties and implementing daily health screenings for employees. "We are in the business of celebration and preparing a safe and secure environment is our focus," says Abbey Venners, sales manager at Pippin Hill.



如果你不能让你的大婚礼的梦想去了,干脆把你的婚礼之外。有了社会隔离措施,海东青预测,越来越多的夫妇会选择把他们的“我DOS”户外。“Outdoor venue locationswill be a better bet for large guest counts," she says. "In outdoor locations, guests can spread out and more easily socially distance as they choose."

JW Marriott Marco Island Beach Resorthas already seen an increase in requests for海滩婚礼, says the resort's director of sales and marketing Amanda Cox. Adding, "Outdoor spaces allow for greater flexibility in creating event designs and floor plans that comply with current guidance."

outdoor venue“class=Eric Kelley; Venue Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards" data-tracking-container="true">
Photo by埃里克·凯利; Venue皮平山农场葡萄园


“有在印刷精美的,如‘不聚集’,这转化为无鸡尾酒和无舞池许多指导,”海东青解释说。“但是,对于我们的客户,在舞池和酒吧通常作为重点装饰点,所以我们没有看到他们走开。”相反,这些心爱的婚礼元素被重新想象创造性。鸡尾酒时间和所有wedding festivitiesfor that matter—are encouraged to be taken outside where there is "more room to space out and distance per the requirements," she says.


Gone are the days of the long banquet tables packed in a single small room. According to social distance guidelines, tables are required to be set at least six-feet apart, with no more than 10 guests seated together. To ensure this spacing is met, venues and planners are turning to数字化工具to rearrange room layouts. "We are spending more time than ever in社会表,这是一个在线平台,我们使用的座椅配置和表格布局,”在大炮绿色高级事件销售经理安娜·格里菲斯说。

For ceremony seating, consider swapping rows of benches for smaller clusters of chairs surrounding the altar. This will promote social distancing practices and keep guests spread out.

Another way to comply with these guidelines? Spread festivities across multiple spaces in one venue! What used to be a party hosted in a single ballroom will now consist of drinks, dinner, and dancing in ballrooms, courtyards, and adjoining rooms simultaneously.

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Photo by Hannah Costello

Thoughtful Food Presentation

“Cocktail hour will also look a little different," explains Griffith of Cannon Green. "We are working on the presentation ofcanapésso that they can be served in individual containers."

这就是说,丹尼斯武,在营销和创新部高级总监Occasions Caterers在华盛顿特区,说,夫妇将不必牺牲自己的理想菜单,以满足这些新的健康指南。“你可以服务于很多不同的食物,只要你是深思熟虑有关它正在传递的容器,以及如何,”她说。“我们现在最出名正在想法和定制这些菜单的客户。我们总是想出服务它的一个引人注目的还要周到,在这种情况下,特别是安全的方式。”

Take, for instance, a scallop ceviche that's presented in an elegant oyster dish, imagines Vu. "The oyster shell is what the guest actually picks up," she says, meaning the presentation itself will limit contact and sharing.

Fewer Self-Serve Buffets, More Plated Service

The wedding dinner will see a change as well, with couples steering away from self-serve buffets and instead opting for配备食品站or plated dinners. "Over the years, there was huge popularity in family-style meals, buffets, and this more communal eating experience at weddings," claims Vu. "I think that that's probably going to go away for a while and we're going to see a return of really elegant plated course meals."



餐桌“class=Eric Kelley; Venue Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards" data-tracking-container="true">
Photo by埃里克·凯利; Venue皮平山农场葡萄园


即使夫妻再次开始收集与家人和朋友,虚拟婚礼技术is still critical in this age. Both Venners and Griffith agree that "weddings will be streamed so that those who are unable to attend in person can be there virtually."

Streaming capabilities are already part of Marriott's plan, too, and are included in "turn-key" wedding packages specifically designed for couples who have had to quickly alter their plans. "All of these packages include live video streaming solutions to ensure that our couples can still have everyone near and dear to their hearts witness their wedding in real-time," explains Cox.

A Different Dancefloor

According to Jordan Kahn of乔丹卡恩音乐公司, dancefloors and wedding entertainment aren't going anywhere—they'll just look a little different. Whether that's adjusting the layout of the stage so bands can spread out or even installing小舞池throughout the space to encourage social distancing, "everything we do is customized," says Kahn, "and that will include how we keep everybody safe. We’re just going to do our best to deliver great music even if people have to dance in their chairs.That's our job."

McKenna, of Audubon House and Tropical Gardens, also believes the dancefloor can simply be redesigned. "There are ways that the design of the dancefloor can encourage social distancing whether there are small barriers like high top tables throughout or markers on the ground to show where [guests] should stand," she says.

Shorter Parties

“总体来说,庆典可能是一点点比过去更短,”相信武。没有拥挤的舞池,一些当事人可能会提前结束,但允许夫妇把更多的精力投入到其他方面:favors. "The thought is then, 'What is the experience for each of your guests after they leave your wedding?'" she poses.

Multiple Celebrations

另一个趋势将在社会遥远的婚礼时代发扬光大?多婚礼庆典。我们已经看到了很多情侣选择一个民间仪式followed by a traditional reception on a later date but in the coming months, that so-called "unconventional" celebration could become the standard. "A lot of people aren't wanting to sacrifice the moment on the dancefloor with their friends, and they’re choosing instead to postpone and to wait until they know that there's a time that they can have the wedding of their dreams," explains Kahn.“Some couples are getting married by law now and saving the party for later."

如果你说“我愿意”的社会距离的时代,我们鼓励你发挥创意,想出解决的办法,这将使你的婚礼与众不同,令人难忘的,并适合所有的 - 即使你是欢呼,荷兰国际集团从6英尺-apart。
