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希望在你的重要日子之前获得睫毛的扩展?There are a few things you need to know

Sean Cook Wedding Photography

Lengthy lashes can take your beauty look to the next level — not to mention they make your eyes look bigger and brighter (a must for婚礼照片). So it's no surprise thatlash extensionsare one of the most popularpre-wedding beauty treatments。睫毛扩展在那里有凝胶南部和喷雾晒黑(以及那件物质的人造发光)。生命在他们面前很好,但生命后的生活是无限的更加华丽。希望在你的重要日子之前获得睫毛的扩展?你需要知道一些东西。We talked to lash extension guru Sabah Feroz, of NYC'sblinkbrowbar.,让411在所有条纹上,所以你为您的第一次预约做好准备。


Sabah Feroz is a lash extension guru at NYC's blinkbrowbar.


Do Your Research.任何与你的眼睛有关的事情需要极大的注意力。您想在一个信誉良好的沙龙寻找训练有素的睫毛专业人士。应用程序不当会导致您的自然睫毛削弱或休息以及其他眼睛问题。

Know Your Options (and How Long They Will Last).Cluster lashes (applied in groups of three) will last for up to two weeks. And the application process is quicker than other types of extensions.半永久性, also known as individual lashes, are the closest you will get to achieving a natural and long-lasting effect. These can last up to six to eight weeks if cared for properly.

Take Care of Your Natural Lashes.Ok, so this one is a must pre and post-treatment. Feroz recommends conditioning your lashes with bbrowbar Luscious Lash Oil to strengthen your natural lashes. This should be applied every night for the two weeks leading up to your treatment as well as after your falsies have all grown out, to ensure that your natural lashes don't become weak or damaged.("Luscious Lash" eyelash oil, $28, blinkbrowbar available atNet-a-Porter)

Start Fresh.确保您的专家彻底删除任何睫毛膏在他/她开始治疗之前。在睫毛膏中发现的油可以使个体睫毛更容易地分离。

Consider a Tint.If your lashes are fair, an eyelash tint (before extensions) is a great option. The tint will ensure that your natural lashes match the shade of the extensions — and will leave you with a fuller look.

Decide on Half vs. Full Set.If you're looking for a glamorous,false lasheffect, Feroz recommends a full set. However, if you're looking for a more toned down and natural finish, then a half set is all you need. "A client who wears a full face of makeup every day will want a full set, with a longer length and thickness. Whereas a client who prefers a no-makeup look will simply need a half set, with a length that matches their natural lashes." Your lash artist will look at your natural lashes and choose the right lash length, thickness and curl to achieve the desired results.

Do a Trial.就像你做发型和化妆试验,不为get to do the same with your lash extensions. Feroz encourages brides to come in one to two months before their wedding date. Your trial appointment gives you a chance to do a patch test (this tests the glue on your skin to make sure you won't have a reaction) as well as give your new fringe a spin before the big day to ensure you are comfortable.


Don't Get 'Em Wet for 24 Hours.If you're in the middle of your婚礼前健身常规this is an important one! You can't get your lashes wet (and that includes sweat) for 24 hours so that the glue can fully dry and the extensions can settle.

Skip Oil-Based Makeup Remover.You'll want to keep oil-based formulas (清洁剂和化妆品)远离您的延伸,因为它可以分解睫毛胶水并导致您的伪造花了过早出现。

没有睫毛膏。Great news, you can toss your mascara! Well sort of. You can still use mascara on your lower lashes. And towards the end of the two weeks, if you notice your lashes are looking a little less lush, it's ok to apply a light coat of mascara to even things out — just make sure it's a regular, non-waterproof formula.

Grooming Is Required.Lash扩展确实需要维护(尽管最小)。Feroz建议使用睫毛梳子或驯服每天早晨刷睫毛。这将修复任何不守规矩的边缘,并使它们看起来露面和整洁。

Don't Try to Remove Them Yourself.就像训练有素的专业人员一样,他们也需要删除它们。不要挑选,在家里的扩展周围挑选或乱七八糟。这可能导致您的自然睫毛损坏。如果您有任何问题或想要进行调整,那么只需返回沙龙,您的技术将乐于帮助。
