business purposes.



Despite the fact that it’s 2018, we still have far too many antiquated ideas about gender roles. It’s often assumed that, in heterosexual relationships, men will make more money and be in charge of the finances, while women will rule the domestic domain, even when they also have a job outside of the home. But new statistics fromRefinery29 and Chase到了现代家庭实际上的底部 - 结果非常有趣。

They found that women are now the primary breadwinners in 40 percent of households, which is amazing. Though we are still struggling with a gender pay gap and the still-staggering glass ceiling, it’s heartening to see women leading their households. “More than ever, we are seeing women seek out财务意见并指导他们的关系,“Priya Malani,联合创始人Stash Wealth新娘。“有时这些人也有兴趣,其他时候他们似乎是”沿着骑行“等时代,他们完全无私。妇女的第一名问题:我们是否在检查所有正确的盒子,或者我们缺少与我们的金钱单独和一对夫妇更聪明的机会。“

事实证明,女性赚更多资金和负责财务状况不仅适合女性 - 它也是有道理的。“我们喜欢看到作为”家庭首席财务官“的女性,因为研究表明,女性比操纵金钱更好 - 考虑到普遍接受的叙事是妇女是疯狂的'糟糕的钱',” Malani says. “Truth is, women have better credit scores and higher savings rates.” Be proud, ladies.

But that’s not all that Refinery29 and Chase found. There’s a lot to know about modern households and, though much of what they learned focuses only on heterosexual couples, it’s fascinating to see how the times are changing. Here are the statistics you need to know.


When it comes tofemale breadwinners, it’s not always the case that they earn more than their partners. While 37 percent of female breadwinners out-earn their partners, in 63 percent of cases they were single mothers, so they are the primary and only breadwinner. It’s an important distinction, though in both cases the women are still taking on the financial responsibility.




This was a contentious issue—51 percent of adults think that children are better off with stay-at-home moms, so it was almost a 50/50 split. But only 45 percent of women agreed, compared to 57 percent of men. Considering so many women have to work to keep their families going—and manage to have happy, healthy children—it’s disappointing to see that half of people still have such dated views.



5. ......虽然时间正在发生变化

当该男子赚取的人比女性赚取更多的人来说,婚姻的人数更好 - 而40%的人认为这是1997年的真实,只有28%的人现在就同意。所以正在进行,即使它不像我们想要的那么快。


From 1989 to 2012, the number of stay at home dads nearly doubled—with 2 million dads staying at home to look after the kids.


八十三名女性表示他们想要延迟有孩子to focus on their career, while 79 percent of men said the same. While many wanted to save money and provide for their family, some said that career progression also played a role. That’s probably why the average age people have their first child is rising—from 24.9 years old in 2000 to 26.3 years old in 2014.


但也许有关女性养老贷僚的最有趣的数据是他们对它的感受 - 以及他们如何认为他们的合作伙伴感到含羞。虽然55%的人表示,他们感到独立,46%的为自己的地位感到自豪,55%也感到含有负担 - 而且至关重要的是,只有35%的感觉赞赏。49%的女性养老基金会认为他们的合作伙伴感到不充分,而47%的人认为他们感到尴尬。

Those statistics are worrying. Neither party, no matter the gender, should feel embarrassed or guilty about earning more or less than their partner. Unless you’re willfully choosing not to get a job when you are able to and are deliberately using your partner for their finances, most people are just doing the best they can. They find a balance based on schedules, salaries, childcare, and a host of factors to see who should take on more work and who should work less. And, in many couples, both parties are just working as hard as they can.

很高兴看到女人正在成为主要的养家糊口,虽然还有很长的路要走118bet网娱乐 。我们都需要拥抱它。无论你是女人还是嫁给一个女人,妇女都会出现任何问题,妇女经历了金融赋权。距离足够多。

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