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如果你和你的伴侣一直在考虑couples therapy, you’re in good company. Nearly all couples can stand to benefit from it, according to奔驰科夫曼, licensed marriage and family therapist in Burbank, California. “Couples therapy can help couples understand their relationship patterns, dysfunctional coping mechanisms, communication problems, and personality differences,” she tells Brides. “Unlike what most people assume, it is not just for those who are struggling with issues in their relationship.” But if you are going through a difficult time in your relationship, she says it can be especially useful.

Couples therapy can help couples understand their relationship patterns, dysfunctional coping mechanisms, communication problems, and personality differences.

While you can’t meet physically with a couples therapist during this time, you can schedule online couples therapy appointments, also known as teletherapy. As long as your therapist ensures that the sessions are confidential and that all precautions are taken for the patient’s protection, both video and home sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions, according to Coffman. “Clients are provided tools and homework assignments to help them navigate through their process and, if done correctly, there should be no disruption to the client’s progress during this time,” she says.

If you and your partner decide to try onlinecouples therapy,无论是现在或几个月或几年,这里are some benefits you can expect to gain.


每次治疗都知道它可以为客户的怎么治疗有帮助,当他们进行家访,其中发生在客户家中,而不是治疗师的办公室。“这给了我们一个机会,真正得到的东西什么都像在家庭中的一个更深层次的一瞥,”雅各布Kountz,副婚姻和家庭治疗师在贝克斯菲尔德,加利福尼亚州说。随着远距,你已经回家。“在他们的家庭环境,夫妻往往会表现出更多的透明度,他们的治疗师。”对此,他解释说,是什么治疗师所说的转移学习赋予的你已经在你的疗程学到的知识你现实生活.With online couples therapy, this process is fast-tracked since clients are already present in the place where they will do most of their practice.


Maybe the thought of walking into a therapist’s office makes you uncomfortable. That’s OK! Online couple’s therapy removes this roadblock while still providing you with useful tactics to enhance your relationship. “I think it’s so beneficial for couples to see what’s behind the mystery of therapy,” says Kountz. “Exposing concerned couples to therapy through a screen is a great introduction to the therapeutic process.”

You learn how to communicate more effectively.

One of the most useful tools you’ll learn in couples therapy is how to understand your partner better and how to get your partner to understand you better. The best way to do this is through verbal通讯,指出Kountz。“很多冲突是当一方说,这让对方把他们的防御保护开始,‘你是如此的伤害和意思!’,”他说。“一个有用的补救我经常建议是实践与‘I’语句取代‘你’语句,或者告诉你的感觉如何,而不是告诉他们,他们是如何行事的人。”


It’s not easy for most people to open up and feel vulnerable, even with their partner. But when the primary love or attachment bond is strong between partners, they are more capable of weathering storms together, according to Paulette Sherman, Psy.D., psychologist, and host of the podcast爱心理学家. “Methods like Emotionally Focused Therapy can teach couples to understand each other's attachment styles and triggers so they can better understand one another and see their negative cycles as the enemy and not one another,” she tells Brides.“然后,他们可以互相脆弱,安全连接,而不是互相攻击并摧毁他们的债券。”



It can prevent issues on the horizon.

Couples therapy does not only have to be for the purpose of helping you through issues in your relationship that you’re dealing with right now. It can provide you with the tools you need to prevent some of the common dysfunctional patterns in relationships months, years, and even decades down the line notes Coffman. “Couples learn how to compromise and how to avoid ever falling in dysfunctional relationship traps in the first place, which is one of the most useful tools of them all.”
