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It focuses on beauty from the inside out


Of all the stressors related to weddings, few are as crushing as thepressure to look perfect.而不是感觉像你需要下刀去,才能感受到你的大日子最好的(你不知道!),你可以通过采用周到,测量健康养生培育由内而外健康的光泽了。毕竟,有什么在外面看上去很美,如果在里面,你会觉得一急,病恹恹的一塌糊涂的地步?

Remember, too, that weddings tend to be more like marathons than sprints, so you’ll need to amp up your energy while balancing your emotions so you don’t burn out (and can remain resilient when your mom suddenly refuses to share a table with your dad two days before the ceremony). It doesn’t matter how clear your skin is if your face is 50 shades of red from crying in the days before your wedding...right?

为了帮助您实现清醒,身体安康,那1188betasia 营养学家三立优化您的身体,思想和灵魂在本月领导到你的婚礼提供婚礼前的提示。


First and foremost, says nutritionist惠特尼英语,崩溃饮食是不是答案。“我不能劝你足够的 - 不要去那里,‘她说,’崩溃的饮食不仅让你感觉像废话,他们也是可怕的你的长期健康,并不会产生巨大的变化在那件衣服如何适应呢。此外,您的[伴侣]要娶-not你减去五磅水的重量你自己脱水在两个星期后清洗。”

Meet the Expert


Lisa Hayim, RD, of The Well Necessities studied nutrition at Columbia University. She coaches clients one-on-one, as well as through her blog, Instagram, and YouTube channel, TWN tv.

Instead, English recommends focusing on滋养自己,这样你会觉得“强大和充满活力”on your big day. “Aim to eat five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day,” she says. “At each meal, balance your plate with a source of complex carbohydrates, like quinoa or farro; with a good source of protein, like beans, fish, or tofu; and a healthy fat to fill you up, like avocado or olive oil.”

Lisa Hayim a.k.a.theWellNecessities同样建议使用pre-wedding dietary approachwhich encourages adding foods rather than eliminating them. “Unless there is medical need (GI complaints), I would not require a bride to start removing foods from her diet,” she says. “Instead, I would opt for having them add in foods they may not be eating—more raw veggies like cucumbers, more cooked water-dense veggies, and fish a few times a week,” echoing English’s advice. However, she does add a caveat to this anti-diet advice.“I would also have them start to look into added sugars and see if there is room to减少和消除不必要的东西可能导致的渴望和血糖峰值和下降,这可能会惹消化和明确的皮肤,” Hayim说。

You can start this pre-wedding diet as early as you’d like, but at least a month prior is recommended for best results.



你要的外观和感觉最好的,如果你reduce your alcohol intake in the weeks leading up to your wedding; however, Hayim says booze restrictions are very specific to each person. “For some, having a few drinks a week does not mess with their routine; for others this plays a role in sleep and the foods they choose to eat,” she says. “Finding a good balance involves taking a look at your current drinking habits and seeing if you can scale down.”


至于咖啡因,英语建议“放轻松”on the day of your wedding. “Though you may feel the need for extra energy, you'll likely have enough pre-wedding jitters as it is,” she says.


首先,英国建议在看运动没有这么多的方式来保持体形,但作为118bet网娱乐 . “Spend this time participating in mood-boosting activities that are beneficial for mind and body,” she says. “Take a couple's yoga class or try a kundalini meditation session.”

随着婚礼越来越drai你的能量ned by your mother-in-law (just kidding—kinda!), English suggests upping the ante with 30 minutes of activity daily. “It doesn't have to be an intense hour-long spin class,” she says. “Even 30 minutes of power-walking around your neighborhood or enjoying a few games of beach volleyball with your friends will help keep those stress hormones in check and your energy level high.”



On the stress tip, Hayim recommends adding functional foods into your diet to balance your moods and mediate the effects of pre-wedding headaches. “Medicinal mushrooms and adaptogens are key to combating cortisol,” she says. “Reishi mushrooms and maca root are two of my favorites.”

She further recommends designing morning and evening rituals to keep yourself sane, making nature a priority and adding meditation “to balance the busy mind” into your routine.


In addition to the maca and reishi, Hayim recommends chamomile for stress and energy support. Hayim also prescribes digestive help via natural ingredients such as organic aloe, peppermint, coriander, and artichoke. For vanity’s sake, she suggests Perfect Hair Skin and Nails from New Chapter Vitamins. “It’s one of myfavorite supplements,“ 她说。她说,“这是一个与发酵生物素和虾青素,海洋藻类紫外线阻隔性能和抗氧化剂,抗自由基,取得了”。(Always make sure to check with your doctor before adding in a new supplement to your routine, as some people react differently to certain ingredients.)


“睡眠是在这个紧张的时候很重要,” Hayim说,谁建议睡前吃晚餐两个小时,在薰衣草喷雾投资,结算高科技装置的卧室,作为策略优化您的ZZZ的在本周的领导到你的婚礼。

至于前一天晚上,睡眠时可能看起来像一个白日梦,但oh so necessaryif you’re hoping to glow the next day, Hayim cautions against trying anything new in the realm of sleep aids. (In other words, no prescription pills your third cousin bought in Mexico, please). “I would say not to try anything the night before, but leading up to [the wedding], experiment with melatonin or magnesium,” she says. Hayim also recommends trying sleep-casts from the meditation app Headspace. “These are effective and research-backed,” she says.“他们哄你睡觉。”Beautysleep, that is.

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